Shout by RxB

Very tense episode, good narrative, but one has to cringe at the inconsistencies.

- covert ops getting out and off an hotel, in full gear without being spotted
- Carrie, smashing a window when there's clearly a handle outside and not even turning the key
- The final escape where they switch places wearing wigs, that magically appeared in their gear. (oh yes, lets bring automatic rifles, grenades, bullet proof vests, balaclavas even. and a couple of wigs, you never know those might come in handy in case we wanna play drag queens in black)

And that's not even counting of the suspension of disbelief, call that put your disbelief in deep freeze and don't come looking for it until next year, that one has to have to suddenly believe that the young hacker is not on call 24/7 for the ops duration, and is quietly doing goes know what in his mom's basement.
I loved the suspense, but i positively hated, as someone pointed out, the laziness of the writing, the lack of continuity

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