The brainwashing stuff is straight out of the Naked Gun lol. “I must kill Jim Gordon....”

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@jim222001 Spoiler, dude. It's easy to mark it, do that.

@noxouroboros it was in the last episode too. Not sure why you’re looking at comments for an episode you didn’t see. The spoiler button never works for me for some reason.
But do that, don’t look at comments for episodes you didn’t see.

@jim222001 Use the tags then.

There's no reason to mark "spoiler" for events that already happened. I learned the hard way a long time ago not to read comments about episodes I haven't watched yet. It is logically assumed that episode comments will be about the episode. The only person responsible for "spoilers" is the person reading the comments before watching.

Now, if I've seen future episodes and comment about them here, I would indeed warn about spoilers first. But it is safe to assume that anyone reading comments about THIS episode either has already watched it, or is a glutton for punishment.
