Shout by King David
BlockedParentSpoilers2019-04-01T03:38:11Z— updated 2019-04-07T04:38:18Z

Ezekiel is blaming the wrong person for Henry’s death. Henry got himself killed by being stupid.

I know Lydia has become a member of the group, but why does Daryl feel overly obligated to protect her? It is to prove a point to Alpha?

Negan proved that he cares for Judith way more than the group does.

I can’t wait to see Negan vs Alpha.

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@datbabyaintmine "Henry got himself killed by being stupid" - Amen to that, lol.

Re: Negan going after Judith - unless I imagined it, I think they showed at least one other person going after Judith, too, but yeah, it didn't reflect well on the group who seemed kind of indifferent, haha. I'm quite enjoying the Negan arc at, though - he was too much of a caricature before.

Is "Negan vs Alpha" what you're hoping for or a spoiler of what's to come?

@2ls1t I kinda expected that to happened to Henry. lol

I hope we see a Negan vs Alpha. I have a strong feeling that Negan will become second in charge a few episodes down the line.

@datbabyaintmine Yeah, all the more possible now Michonne has started to thaw her attitude towards him.
