Shout by Deleted

Phantasm 1979


Shout by Deleted
BlockedParentSpoilers2013-10-30T00:12:41Z— updated 2022-10-26T12:34:40Z

BOY! This was a little bit weird, but it was a great horror film! I had a lot of fun watching it!

An alien that transforms into a woman to abduct people, then turn them into creepy dwarfs to be used as slaves in his home planet is weird but surely it is an original story.

The acting, a little bit forced sometimes, and the special effects might not be the greatest things but the atmosphere is great and the plot make it be a fantastic classic horror!

spoiler ahead

We all have bizarre nightmares... The film looks a little messy sometimes but at the end everything makes sense. Sometimes things in our dreams are confused and don't make a lot of sense. All of our fears and frustations are always present in our mind when we dream about something bad and I think that's what this film is trying to pass through.

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