A really good story about the personal implications the Prime Directive can have. Why it can be important sometimes to look past the sheer letters of the law. And, if you know your Trek, you also know that one James Kirk has bended that rule oftentimes for lesser reasons. Yes, it is a story telling tool. But it does work in a way that it provides a moral dilemma where with every decision you only seem to be getting deeper in trouble. I didn't particulary like the selective memory wipe, but with Data placing the stone in her hand there was closure.
I must say I appreciate this episode more now. Usually I thought of it more like a little boring. Not anymore.

But did Data, when trying to erase sever the connection, maybe pushed a wrong button on purpose to strengthen his position ? Interesting way to think about it.

A little nitpicking: When Picard and Troi enter the holodeck, you can see the horse already being saddled. In the next shot from inside the holodeck the saddle is off the horse. I'd never noticed that in multiple viewings. There you have it: The Curse of HD :grinning:
Worf hostility towards Data is strange. I understand it somewhat during the discussion in Picards quarters. But on the bridge ? I understand he's annoyed by what Data does. But since Worf is a lower rank........Data could pretty much do as he pleases.

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@finfan That was a really emotional episode. The little girl that saved her planet almost brought me to tears. I think she was played really well by Nikki Cox. I appreciate the fact that she has an interesting form as an alien, and a different pitch of voice we usually hear from strangers.

We also follow Wesley Crusher's career. As I said, it's interesting to see the evolution of a Starfleet ensign.

quote But did Data, when trying to erase sever the connection, maybe pushed a wrong button on purpose to strengthen his position ?

That's an interesting point of view!
