Shout by ShrimpBoatSteve

The Purge 2018

First few episodes were OK, then it went into feminism, racism, etc etc. When will they stop trying to educate and just entertain. Pure shite from then on.

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@shrimpboatsteve Your comment is just "I got triggered so I don't like this now"

@jaw72 Nope it was roll eyes, hear comes the moral story ... how would I be triggered? Being triggered is offended by something, I'm not offended by it, just fed up of being spoon fed moral stories.

@shrimpboatsteve So a show ultimately about morality is only allowed to put on display morals that don't offend your sensitive sensibilities? Your comment history is just you repeatedly complaining that you get triggered by any mention of gender or race.

@jaw72 I take it you love it when writers include in their stories social comment? 'Hey viewers, remember not to hate people of different race'. If you continually need reminded then I would seek psychological help.

And why is this a show about morality ... this is my exact problem. Leave the life lessons out of entertainment, there is no need for it. Or maybe it is because the critics are so far gone that they will downgrade anything that does not tick all the gender, race and sexuality boxes. Not everything has to be inclusive, or are people so stupid now that they don't know being a good person is the default?

What I notice about you is that you are desperate to get abusive towards me, it appears that you are triggered by someone with a different opinion to your 'sensitive sensibilities'.

@shrimpboatsteve It's a show about the concept of 'The Purge'. The entire thing is a morality tale. "Life lessons" about violence and empathy (and a dozen other things) are perfectly acceptable, but the second it becomes about sexism and racism it's a problem because it makes you uncomfortable? I think a lot of people, including me, would say that this is the entertainment.

Specifically leaving subjects like this out, especially while including everything else, would be an active choice to pander to people like you. That used to be common practice, but it thankfully isn't anymore. Sometimes stories about subjects like this are done in a ham-fisted and obvious way, but so can stories about literally anything. I know it's new and scary for you, but you'll get through it.

@jaw72 Why does everything need a message? Just tell a damn story. Anyway it's shite.
