Shout by Justin

Inside Out 2015

Animated kids movies are really good for the most part lately. Lately as in the 20 years. Maybe. I don't know. There's some I hate like Happy Feet or Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs or what have you, but generally even a "lesser" studio like Dreamworks puts out good stuff for the most part. Inside Out is neither that great, nor that bad. A big problem for me was I really disliked the design style of the emotions. Felt shapes is.... just dumb. They look dumb. And WOW are they annoying most of the time. And despite some people getting a deeper meaning about depression from it, to me it was just a basic cliche plot about a kid who moved to a new city and it sucks and then she learns to adapt, seen through the eyes of a few emotions pushing buttons. The vast majority of the action takes place in the memory banks and most of it falls flat. The moral is basically "it's ok to be sad, sadness can help us too" and that's nice for children to know and I'm glad we say things like that to them these days.

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