One of the most quotable episodes. "It's Saturday Night Live! Starring: A piece of toast! Two guys with handlebar mustaches! A man painted silver who makes robot noises! Garmanarnar! Three s- uhh, uhh, uhh, uhh, I'll get back to that one! A hole in the wall where the men can see it all! And, returning for his 25th consecutive year: Bobby Moynihan!"

"Glenn, this is a court order. It says you can't eat shit anymore."

"Grandpa Rick, if they leave the butt, and the person wanders off, how would they find their butt person again?"

"I'm Ants-In-My-Eyes Johnson!"

"I don't give a fuck! I'm Gazorpazorp-fucking-field, bitch! Now give me my fucking enchiladas!"

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