The movie started out a bit slow with its seemingly typical presentation of post-apocalyptic world. We are too presented with the seemingly typical mankind's arrogance on other species deemed as inferior. I really thought the humans will fuck up as usual.

They didn't.

This is one of the few movies that keep reminds me of how arrogant mankind can be - or more precisely, how arrogant a species with extraordinaire intelligence can be. It is instinct of survival accompanied by the psyche of superiority complex that can be possessed by creatures such as ours. The more we seemingly think we understand ourselves, the more we seemingly make borders to judge others. The way Dreyfus (Gary Oldman) keep saying how apes are "just animals". Koba's (Toby Kebbell) rise to power and his nefarious hatred that put humans to prisons.

Our main characters though - Caesar (Andy Serkis) and Malcolm (Jason Clarke) - show that we don't have to be like that. We can be more than that.

I don't want to sound pretentious, but that's the message I caught from the movie and what touched me the most. When Caesar and Malcolm understood that it is not kinship, not similarity of physical stature, that make our trust - but our deeds. When we were brought back at a glance to the deep bond Caesar formed with William (from the previous movie). A bond that transcends boundaries of species.

Putting all those aside... there are a few criticism on the movie. As said earlier, about very first 15-30 minutes is presented a bit too slow. Audience already familiar with post-apocalyptic setting might be a bit bored. The plot is quite predictable in the first half of the movie. A few scenes, such as when Malcolm entered the apes' domain, then Koba scout the human's territory, etc were also seem to be presented a bit ineffective - a long still shot with lack of plot progression. The accompanying soundtrack is spectacular, but again noticeably off in the very first 30 minutes. And finally, the movie's end puts a question to the title of this movie: wasn't it supposed to be The "Dawn" of the Planet of the Apes?

Beyond that there is no further complains though. Andy Serkis really deserves every award he got for his performance in this movie.

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