Am I the only one who thinks that Villanelle and Eve have zero chemistry? This is supposed to be a story of fatal attraction, but instead we get Eve wandering around with a shell-shocked look on her face most of the time, and Villanelle doing crazy things for crazy sake. Even when Eve is conflicted about her feelings for her mortal enemy, she doesn't act conflicted, but more like a mad woman raving (ie cake scene, wth was that?). Wasted potential. This whole season was unnecessary and meandering for no reason. Not a single thing that happened propelled the story along. No wonder Niko checked out. I was prepared to take pitchfork to the neck not to suffer anymore too.

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@wynter02 They really don't have any chemistry. It's a fatal flaw amongst all the other flaws with this show. I think there's a lot of wish fulfilment going on with fans that ignores the onscreen reality as they could be a cute couple... They just aren't.
