Shout by Aars

Wow... an amazing mindblowing show! My main complaint is that I want MORE! Wished this had more episodes, 12 episodes seasons would be great!!
Also we need to appreciate that we have THREE ACTORS FROM TIMELESS!!!!!!! Rufus! Jiya! Garcia Flynn! Maybe this is the timeline after they messed something in the past! However I’m sad we won’t be seeing more of Alistair (Garcia) but we will definitely see more of Victoria (Jiya)
But speaking more seriously the only thing I disliked were a couple of the cliches, like Kimiko’s brother being “evil” and then being killed one episode later, and the worst cliche ever Becca’s death!!!!! Like how predictable was that!! And the worst part is her death didn’t make any sense, cause Ryan’s eye laser power BURNS so it would burn stormfront’s arms/torso so how did Becca end up with a CUT??? A cut from a burn?
Also Butcher had ONE JOB, take care of the kid so he doesn’t lose his humanity which would turn him into homelander jr, and WHAT’S THE FIRST THING HE DOES? Give the kid to the CIA... a good formula for disaster!
Can’t wait for season 3!!!

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