It took seven episodes for there to be an episode this good in this season, but it happened. I'm satisfied. Part of me thinks the finale won't be as good, and that's fine; because of how good this one was. If this episode wasn't as good as it was, and the finale ends up being decent enough but nothing more, I probably would end up having a slight problem with it. But not anymore.

The ending of this episode was excellent. The final minute or so was easily the best part, and it was so good that it elevated the entire episode for me; which is the reason that I've given it a rating of eight out of ten, whereas I've only given a six or seven to all of the previous episodes.

And I'm curious as to what the hell happened. I thought it was Stormfront that blew Susan's head up in the premiere, yet that doesn't seem to be the case. If it were, that would mean she's the one who did it to all those people at the end. And I don't think it was. Homelander certainly looked a little surprised. I'll admit, we didn't get a good look at her reaction, though, so I guess it still could end up being her. But I don't think it is.

It's possible that she was the one who did it to Susan and that she's not the one responsible this time. But I have a feeling that whoever is responsible for the incident at the end of the episode is also responsible for what happened to Susan, which I now think isn't Stormfront. My immediate thought was poison and that it was somehow administered to a select few that would end up being in that place.

Another theory of mine is a miniature device implanted in the head of someone that blows up via a remote trigger. That would make sense with Jonah and Shockwave, but they weren't the only ones whose heads blew up. And, needless to say, the theory wouldn't make sense with everyone else whose heads blew up.

But I just thought of something that makes so much more sense; Compound V. Lamplighter, in the previous episode, mentioned three things that could happen with Compound V. You get powers, you become a freak, or you explode. I think Stan was able to get it into the systems of most of the people that were going to be in the courtroom. I don't know how, but that's my theory.

This episode began abruptly, like the previous episode, and that threw me off a little bit, which took me a little while to get back into the swing of things. The ending was the highlight of it, no doubt. There were other moments that I liked, too. Other than that, most of this episode wasn't that captivating. I didn't care about most of it. But the ending was so good that it made the entire episode worthwhile. I'll be fine with it if the finale is a bit underwhelming because of it. Honestly, it's about time that I've finished watching this season. It's been alright. I'm mildly interested to see how it'll end.

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