Review by Gloom8

Wonder Woman 1984 2020

I feel like the term guilty pleasure isn't cutting it anymore. Not only do I know that this movie is pretty much hated, I even know why. And I agree it has too much plotholes, cringe and bad acting. But I enjoyed it nonetheless, because it managed to work somehow(?!)

Where Birds of pray managed to redeem the film pretty much completely by the end at least for me Wonder Woman 1984 is sadly just ended up been ok film.

It's pure camp. I loved the way they used 80s theme, where people expected throwback to just the colours and clothes they went straight into politics and oil crisis and it was handled with such finesse I'm joking that it felt refreshing to see nostalgia being smashed in the face by "reality" that was turned up to 11. I like the way they returned a character back, I wish they would show it more thought out the movie. Pine is the glue apparently, before he appeared movie was cringy as hell because cheesy just works in this franchise, ok? After the Return cast started to mix together quite well. Their chosen acting styles started to finally fit the movie. The repeat of "fish out of water" also fit well cup and fireworks lines almost woke up my brain again, but thankfully it was lulled back to sleep right until cringy last scene Two "villains" worked great aka fight-fight villain and talk-fight villain. Them not being villains worked too. Hell, even the Speech did! All stuff surrounding the Speech was ridiculously done but the message itself and the scene didn't bothered me. And finally action scenes were fun and creative to watch! I cared about the characters well being in them, random guards included The way action scenes were done on technical level - not. But cgi in the first one sucked too so I'm used to it

Plot is fine. The only problem is that characters just knew stuff and appeared where they need to be the most by the power of said Plot... which is horrible almost irredeemable sin. But on the other hand Pine safed the movie: jokes started to land or at least didn't derail the flow. By the way, the first 30 minutes were the most cringiest rom-com thropes combined with horribly written lines delivery included Lead actor should be able to carry the movie even against Electro's cosplayer... thank god Wig picked up performance after the Wish cause that was painful to watch sadly Gadot needed cast help in alot of scenes. But the Speech worked I swear!

TL;DR idk what exactly made it work for me at the end. I liked characters, cast managed to show up eventually too. Decent amount of creative action scenes. Passing felt just right, it didn't drug. I appreciated the hell out of period appropriate economical and political issues at the front and center of it all.
Proceed with cautions - my brain managed to turn itself off half and hour into the movie. And apparently this is the only way (c) to watch and enjoy it.

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