Shout by wpafbo79
BlockedParent2021-02-28T07:30:01Z— updated 2021-03-21T19:50:28Z

Haha, and our pathetic hero runs away again...

For someone who is supposed to be so smart, Salvius is surprisingly unenlightened and narrow-minded. She says she doesn't know what is on the other side of her portal, then claims it to be Heaven. Isn't it more likely not to be Heaven? Of all the potential realms to which the portal could lead, Heaven is only one. Even if there are only 2 possibilities, Heaven and Hell, there is still only a 50/50 chance. I just hope we get to see her open the portal and be completely humiliated when it leads to Hell.

I didn't ask for this... blah blah blah...

And what is up with Lillith being and to the wall around freely with a sword strapped to her back?

The only redeeming part of this entire episode is watching Lillith gets stabbed through the back while trying to kill Ava. The demon was distracted and the sword was activated, but instead of attacking the demon, she went for Ava and the demon took her out. Priceless! I love it.

And yet more running away... absolutely pathetic...

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