Shout by Spooky

Banshee 2013

I watched the first season before season 2 began and I thought it was pretty good. However, after most of season 2 I have come to realize that it actually sucks and has sucked all along. With only two episodes left of this season I find it a chore just to finish. I don't think I have ever been so angry at a tv show.

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You rate Under the Dome and The Following a 10 but Banshee a 1? Warped sense of quality if you ask me.

Oh we go tit for tat on that one. You gave Breaking Bad a 9 and Game of Thrones and 8, yet Prison Break and The Shield get a perfect 10? Now whose sense of quality is warped.

Prison Break finished the story it always intended to tell in 4 seasons instead of dragging on the story for 50. The Shield genuinely is one of the best shows ever made with one of the most satisfying and unpredictable series finales I've ever seen in my life.

Under the Dome had a great pilot but to save money, CBS hired 12 year olds to finish the rest of the season. The Following was the same deal but at least had a better second season, still zero grounds for a 10/10 rating.

9 means I want it on blu ray, 10 means it's struck me in some unique way. I still think Breaking Bad is a fantastic show. As for Game of Thrones, I like it but the constant recasting of characters is just too much to handle -- the casting director seriously needs to learn how to get it right the first time. I don't think any other show has ever been as bad as GoT is with regards to cast continuity. An actor is just as much the character as the writing is.
