Shout by Fran

Petite maman 2021

Genetics and blood relation are a wonderful, creepy thing. We are our parents just as they are us. Their story is our story, and any story we create is a continuation of theirs. Céline Sciamma’s Petite Maman is a time capsule film that weaves past and present together as if they were concurrent, which ultimately they are.

Film’s ability to warp linear time is particularly satisfying because it comes closer to representing how humans experience time in real life than any other medium can.

Sciamma does a great job at capturing that singular childhood experience of really seeing your mother for the first time, when you realise she had an entire life before you, that she is more than just a mother but a person and a child too. Nelly pictures her mum’s life at her age, and her relationship with her own mother, which allows her to better understand and empathise with the pain her mother is going through in the present.

The house (full and empty) and the woods as the bridge between the two add a powerful symbolism for the experience of growing up.


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