Review by Alexander von Limberg

Star Trek: Picard: Season 2

2x05 Fly Me to the Moon


Review by Alexander von Limberg
BlockedParent2022-03-31T18:40:50Z— updated 2022-04-05T14:49:19Z

The immigration story still feels unnecessary (it feels like they needed a task for Seven, Rios, Raffi and have chosen to tell an an inconsequential action sub-plot in which they don't care about the actual characters). Plus I get "bored" of the setting: it looks nice and all but ain't that a sci-fi show supposed to take place in space and in the distant future? Plus, I get bored of this predictable pattern: every episode adds another all-star character (or a relative or an actor) from the original TNG show. Who's next? Tasha? Spot? Barclay? Troi? I mean, don't get me wrong here, the Soong story is intriguing and nicely told (w/o further explanation not very 2024-ish though given the tech he uses - although I know that Star Trek's timeline isn't identical to our real world) and it doesn't feel like pure fan service but it really takes focus away from the already established characters, which they can't devote the time to they would have deserved. I mean, it's a shame: they have presumably implants-less (and thus; probably disoriented) Seven - one of the most intriguing and multi-layered characters ever in StarTrek - (and a Borg Queen as her obvious nemesis) but the writers don't seem to care. The one positive thing though is that they really worked hard to find a better role for Agnes. She was not very well perceived (by me) in season one and she's still not a very likeable heroine but she is quickly becoming the central character in this season. And her story is well told for the most part. The Borg queen had a cunning plan after all and I approve the idea that Agnes is about to become her "vessel". [which, admittedly, everybody could see from the start].

Overall it's a better episode than the last one. I like the moderate pace and the absence of action (a few scenes aside). And I like that Q's "game" is so mysterious and everyone is puzzled what Q (and the Borg) are really up to (the crew is puzzled and we, the audience, have even more puzzle pieces to play with). I really want to know.

Biggest plot hole: A random french officer from a rural town wouldn't be able to speak English :-)

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@alexlimberg - You assume it's an "inconsequential action sub-plot", as you assume that the guest characters are meaningless, but we know that everything changed in the past, changes the future. We'll just have to wait and see just how. :smirk:

@van-nyx that's of course a fair assessment. What I really meant to say: they brought almost every character back from season 1 (sometimes disguised as a sort of historic predecessor of the future character with the same actor), pus Soong, Plus Q, plus a Borg Queen, plus Guinean, plus the doctor, plus the immigrant on the bus (again: can't tell whether this episode or this guy is important in the grand scheme of things). All kind of interesting characters with their own story (there's even more characters). Do you really believe that the show is able to tell all the stories of all of those main protagonists? There's just 5 episodes remaining. And the boy needs his resurrection scene too :-) I fear this will end in something like: Forget about all B-plots! They were not important! We'll tell you quickly what happens to the persons involved but we won't have the time to explain their motivation or tell you what this person really is. Then: reset! They are flung back into the restored timeline and everything is back to normal.
