Now I have seen 2 episodes it's clear that this show is what many Trekkies have been looking for : mystery of the week with some food for thought, camaraderie, some humor and (if it's not to much of a bother) some pew pew flying stuff in space.

Mount, Peck and Romijn hit the ground running in their own spin-off but Gooding as Uhura is amazing. Can't wait for an episode focused on the medical team. Of course I can't help but like Ortegas and La'an, although I see some similarities with a certain Naomi Nagata & Camina Drummer, but I'm certainly not complaining about that.

The special effects are amazing and the writers do an excellent job with giving known characters more depth while still respecting what other writers have done. The way they get Pike's command style smack dab in the middle of Archer and T Kirk is very impressive. Strong characters but with flaws. This is a crew I would actually like to be part of, something that hasn't happened since Enterprise ( Team Trip Tucker all the way )

If they can keep this up I say : "6 seasons and a movie"

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@t_an_k_0 La'an is Camina Drummer of SNW, she even looks like her.
