The only episode in this season I genuinely didn't like. The camera movement is so jerky and choppy I just wanted it to stop. Some shots on the other hand look like they're straight out of a video game, where the camera finally holds still but the characters move like puppets - and I don't mean the dancing, even though that was strange and kind of annoying, too.
Other than that I also just don't get it. The basic story is obvious, but who are those people, who is she, why does she kill those men, why is she moving like that constantly, why is she covered in jewellery, why did the water react to her "death" like that , why did his hearing suddenly come back, I just have too many questions man. Mystery is good, not everything always has to be answered, but you know, SOMETHING would have been nice.

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@corvusastrum Jibaro is a deaf conquistador which makes this the South America's, it's a folklore, she's covered in gold representing the gold that was stolen. The knights are there to represent the foreigners. The "dancing" is representing the relationship these two have which doesn't end well for either, she decides she must have him after he doesn't react. His regaining of his hearing is metaphorical in the sense that he realises she is bad for him, he then succumbs to her powers. It centred around what looks like a toxic relationship and how the lifetime of this sort of experience affects people.
