Shout by acidfreecookies

Mr. Robot 2015

People, stop giving THE WHOLE SHOW a rating based on the first episode or two, it screws with future ratings...just wait until at least a season is over and rate individual episodes until then. I agree that the show is very, very promising, but all those people giving it 10s based on the first episode? That's ridiculous. That's like rating a movie based on the opening credits.

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Keep in mind you can change your rating as the show progresses and you watch more episodes. That seems like a better approach then simply not rating it yet.

I don't mind people who rate shows based on one or two episodes even though I don't do it mysefl. I absolutely hate when I see something rated that have not aired yet.


Reply by Facc
Blocked2023-08-22T21:33:55Z— updated 2023-09-03T20:18:53Z

@acidfreecookies they weren't wrong tho were they :grin::joy:
Also, apparently you only watched S1 to date, so... you're now talking about yourself too :grin:
