Shout by Andrea Maderna

When They See Us

Season 1

Ava DuVernay has got the delicate touch of an elephant and the level of cheesiness is out of the park. Still, the first two episodes are really, really good, engaging and moving, quite thrilling if you don't already know how it went. Episode three is really the worst one, too much easy melodrama and really schematic in its structure. It gets a bit better in the final episode, thanks to the "prison drama" approach. Overall, it's an interesting and important series for sure but I think I would have preferred a different approach. Maybe it's just that I don't like DuVernay.

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@giopep i agree with you when you say that the 3rd episode was the worst, the 4th instead was so powerful because of Korey's story. Anyway I don't think DuVernay did a bad job.

@astrix Yeah, absolutely, she did a good job, I just think the approach isn't completely my jam.
