That may have been one of the goofier SF/comic-series timeloop episodes I've seen, but it kinda worked in that the characters got use out of it to reconsider parts of their lives and parts of the presentation were just a fun sort of funny. The cause and solution to the timeloop were weirdly out of nowhere, but they usually are, so... Yeah, kinda silly in places, but other parts worked, and it was mostly fun overall.

Besides, I feel like comparing it to Legends of Tomorrow's "Here I Go Again" (episode 3x11) is kinda unfair. ;-)

That said, I hope that story and presentation get more serious (at least in terms of plot and execution quality) as the season progresses, as, while fun for an episode, this tone won't work for the season as a whole, and feels like an odd choice to open with (given that it could be taken as a promise of what's to come).

That logo at the end, though...

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