Not the best episode of the show. There are a ton of conveniences that come to light here within the script that makes everything feel a bit less compelling. For instance, Lois is investigating Mannheim then happens to get cancer so she chooses to go to his hospital where she happens to make friends with his wife. And then Mannheim and Peia's son just happens to be the same dude who is dating Nat? In some ways by having everything connected like this it makes the show feel tight and focused, but it comes at the expense of believability. This episode felt the most like a soap opera than perhaps ever before, and while that does make it feel somewhat cheap, I think there's just enough quality for this to feel better than that and the melodrama is still executed pretty well aside from all of the conveniences. I will continue to commend a Superman show that is able to give me no actual Superman scenes in an entire episode yet still keep me interested.

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