Shout by LG

Silo 2023


Shout by LG

Episode 3's generator event must be one of the most mind numbingly stupid scenes that I have ever seen.

What were the writers writing? Even a child would know, out of instinct, to not do what the main character was doing. It simply breaks the laws of physics and has nothing to do with reality.

Not to mention the engineering aspects of the rest of the design and the so-called fixes and repairs applied, which are just ridiculous.

It's not about suspension of disbelief, it's about sheer stupidity. This episode makes me want to stop watching.

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@latherzgrond Why are you taking the small details so seriously? What did the main character do wrong, and how did they break the laws of physics? That scene had me on the edge of my seat, I thought it was very good.

I agree. I was really digging the vibes up until episode three. It turned me off. I'm going to wait until a few seasons come out to see how it fares.

Yep, I can't believe that's all what they could come up with, geez. Thankfully the next few episodes so far haven't had such stumbles.

You guys were too busy being distracted by all that to notice the major Easter egg they dropped in that episode! Those fine details in some cases are important !

A true Reddit moment hahah

@jesusisking Go touch the outer door of your oven when you're cooking something. You won't be able to keep your hand there for too long.

Now imagine taking a hose to spray water to try to cool off a steel door that is burning red inside a very small room. Simply put, she'd be cooked/burnt/boiled alive.

It's not "small details, it's immersion breaking, fantastically absurd and illogical.

@latherzgrond I agree. What were those turbine blades for exactly? They are just spinning in open air! And the steam? When the valve is opened and the steam is released, it goes where? Not pushing against the turbine blades evidently.

I guess is would have made more sense if they had put the covers back on before releasing the steam, but they removed the covers before shutting off the steam in the first place, so ?

And how does putting water on the valve reduce the pressure behind it? But then, they're looking at a pressure gauge ('bar'), and saying "It's overheating way faster than we thought", so temperature/pressure are interchangeable?

@latherzgrond LOL dude, from what I see, you're the one needing some physics classes with a focus on thermodynamics. There is no way to build up steam with that flow of cold water on top of it. You should try watching a some metal factory videos where these kinds of interactions happen daily. The biggest mistake in this scene is actually that she could hold a fire hose by herself, which is impossible.
