Shout by Bronson

The Iron Giant 1999

This movie was released when I was nineteen. I didn't see it then, I saw it today, at forty three.
What I'm trying to say here is The Iron Giant is a kid's movie. Does it deal with heavy subject matter? Oh, yes. Does it play down to the audience? No, not at all. Is it a little rushed? I think so.
This was a Warner Brothers' release, however it very much has the look of a Disney movie. Parts of the story felt like King Kong, others like Frankenstein, Hell, maybe even a little bit of Terminator 2: Judgement Day.
I could have dealt with an extra fifteen minutes or so devoted to our characters; with this being such an emotional journey, we really need to have time to build a complete bond, and understand motivations.
As it is, a good story about kindness, judgment, and wanting to be better than nature or nurture has lead us.

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