Review by Deleted
BlockedParentSpoilers2015-12-14T16:11:45Z— updated 2021-01-15T06:11:19Z

'Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father'. This is the most depressing movie ever made. If you can watch this without crying, let me know, because so far I have not been able to do that. Again, try not to search up too much about it, because it might diminish your experience. But this is, without a doubt, the saddest movie I have ever seen. The documentary is told through the perspective of a filmmaker whose friend was murdered by his own wife. Part of what makes the documentary so incredibly powerful is that, because of his connection, it never feels emotionally detached. The creator of the film pours his style, passion and emotion into reliving the life of a man who's life is taken away so quickly. Its's sad when any life is lost, but It was very interesting to see the impact on a variety of lives this guy had and the effect his death had on others. Pacing and editing is told through the perspective of someone who's not just narrating the events,but someone who is emotionally suffering as a result of those events. If you're gonna watch this movie, just
understand you will be crying at some point.

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