Review by FinFan

Dune: Part Two 2024

I'm not sure where this movie stands in relation to the first. I'm not even sure how to rate it as I can find reasons to give it a "10" as I find ones to give it a "6".

Technically this is marvelous. The scope, the visuals, the sound - everything is amazing. But I feel lost in the story. The first movie was rather slow in moving the plot forward. Which was totally allright knowing there's going to be another. It was just a build-up, equally visually impressive. This one seemed like that, too, at first but there was a particular moment where I thought I must have fallen asleep and missed a huge part of the story.

A lot of the Fremen didn't accept Paul at first. Then he planned to went to the desert to learn their ways and become one of them. And literally a minute later he seemed back and accepted by everyone yet we never really saw what he did in the desert. From that moment the plot steamrolled and I felt like beeing in an avalanche trying to make sense of it. Another example: the Fremen where attacking Harkonnen left, right and center and bringing the Spice production almost to a halt. Then Feyd arrives and like 5 minutes later in terms of runtime they destroy the Seech (how did they find that when they seem to be having difficulties doing that before) and the North is in their grasp again with the Fremen running for the South.

Based on the David Lynch movie from 1984 (I didn't read the book) I expected certain things to happen but they never did. That did confuse me a bit. And where I cleary remember I still liked Paul at the end of the '84 version I can't say the same for this Paul. As I understand it these two movies cover Herbert's first book only and the (planned) next one is based on another one. I'm asking myself if it would've been better to make three movies from that first book.

So, is this now a "10" or a "6" ? I think it's in the middle. Maybe I change this in the future because of one thing I'm sure. With the prospect of waiting for another three years for the continuation I will have to watch this again. And maybe I will understand better where this movie stands.

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