Shout by Daniel Cabral

The Boys: Season 4

4x06 Dirty Business

Once again, nothing really happens, the story never seems to progress.

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14 replies

Why do you watch the show then? Loads of things happened in it did we watch the same episode?

Try paying more attention. There were several major plot advancements...

@drkickflip13 I’ll be waiting for you to name two.

@matrakt Only two? OK. Homelander's coup plan, and Sister Sage confirming that she's sabotaging Vought.

Well, I guess your comment wasn't quite the "gotcha!" moment you thought it was.

@drkickflip13 Homelander’s coup plan was the single plot advancement in this episode and the only other if you really wanted to stretch the definition of a plot advancement was Butcher getting the virus. It’s also spelt Vought. Sister Sage sabotaging Vought is a theory and nothing was confirmed in this episode.

@matrakt What a pedantic response. Sister Sage playing Homelander isn't a theory. They spelled it out for the less observant viewers in this episode. Perhaps you should try watching the show instead of playing on your phone with the show in the background.

@drkickflip13 Thank for confirming it’s just a theory and nothing was confirmed in this episode.

@drkickflip13 I’m not denying something was “spelled” out in the episode. I’m denying that it in any way advanced the main plot of the story.

@matrakt Ah, so now you're backpedaling, changing your narrative, and trying to gaslight.

FYI, "spelled" is the correct form of the word. You're an ant trying to take on a titan. Respectfully, exit the discussion.

@drkickflip13 What exactly am I backpedaling? You don’t understand half of the words you’re using, do you? My first comment was asking you to provide two plot advancements and you couldn’t do it. Instead of a weak pivot how about you stick to the topic and tell me how anything Sister Sage did in the episode advanced the plot? For the sixth and final time now.

@matrakt Rather than relentlessly embarrassing yourself, I suggest you read through our comment thread again. I won the exchange with my first reply. You just keep digging your hole deeper.

@drkickflip13 no, you're not correct and he's not wrong. I just happen to agree with your opinion - and even then the Sister Sage one is quite stretching it that I'm not sure I'd agree. You seem to hold a lot of assumptions on her character.

With all that talk about "literacy" it's so pathetic you can't even distinguish right/wrong from opinion. And yearning for affirmation from strangers in the internet, while doing that.

Reply by XIII
Blocked2024-07-05T20:59:23Z— updated 2024-07-11T21:57:36Z

@xaliber Ah, you've misunderstood. I didn't state an opinon. I stated a fact. I honestly don't care if you agree or disagree with the fact I stated. That's the thing about facts...they're true whether or not you agree.

@drkickflip13 man, are you for real? You're really giving off such a weirdo vibe.
