What were they thinking? The movie does not have any of the charm the web series do, nor is it as well done (and that's saying a lot). I mean, the acting is atrocious and so are the special effects, but that is not the movie's problem. The problem is that it's not funny at all.

It contains some of the lamest jokes I have ever heard or seen in a movie before, and actually the movie is also surprisingly cliche, even more so than the movies he usually criticizes. We have stuff like "gamers can't have girlfriends" and "girls don't play games" and the jokes just kind of sticks to that low quality. In other cases it's just awkwardly rehashed lines from the serie itself (some people call this easter eggs I guess?). It's as if they couldn't really come up with any jokes at all.

In the few instances where they at least try to be creative, it fails spectacularly anyway thanks to terrible directing.

To add to the misery, the plot itself is a big mess and way too poorly executed. Almost everything they try to do with it fails some way or another, and after a while the movie really gets boring to watch. The overblown cheesyness and toy cars etc doesn't really help either. That stuff could have been funnier if done right, but at this point it just adds to the unnatural and forced feeling of the movie.

Also the nostalgia feeling is not present anywhere because the movie is not really about games as such. We don't even get to know anything particular about the famous E.T game, despite the fact that the whole plot line centers on it. There is one single review in the entire movie and it's easily the lamest review he's done so far. Talk about anti climatic.

Overall, despite the web serie being the simple guilty pleasure it is, this movie was bafflingly bad, and a big disappointment. Even TMNT 3 is a better movie, which in itself is amusing enough to make me smirk more than this movie ever did.

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