Shout by LeftHandedGuitarist
BlockedParent2016-07-04T08:21:45Z— updated 2021-05-28T12:50:20Z

This episode feels out of place with what Star Trek would become, due to being a (2nd) pilot. It takes quite a whole to get going and I was getting bored, but the writing remains good throughout and the final scenes are quite exciting. Great to see Scotty finally appear, but I was taken aback by how eager Spock was to kill Gary!

UPDATE - SECOND WATCH (2021): Enjoyed it a fair bit more this time around. When you consider that this episode was intended to be the first one, it actually launches the show much better than the episodes that were initially broadcast before this. Mitchell being one of Kirk's best friends and the disrupted character continuity just fits in better when this kicks things off. I also found I quite liked the character moments throughout this and it kept my attention.

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