Review by saundrew

Room 237 2012

People are crazy. At first I was laughing at the insanity, but then it started to get depressing that there are those out there that have insane stretches of logic to get a ridiculous answer they want to hear. (insert political joke)

Of everything talked about in here, pretty much all of them are simply tiny continuity errors blown up to mean things about the moon or real life ghosts or something. There is only one thing that I agree with, and that is the Native American link. I agree, the concept of the haunting starting with Native Americans that were slaughtered on the hotel's site makes perfect sense. Notice how that is simply a plot theory, not a real life message theory.

It is fun hearing these people talk, but I do think the doc is missing a big element by not showing them. The style here is that we never understand exactly who is talking, what they look like, who they are. Nor do we get a narrator or idea of how this info was gathered.

This is a pretty big loss if you ask me. They cut from one voice, to another, and then maybe back to that original person. Really not a great way for following what the train of thought is like per person. As much as I disagree with all of them, I think that lumps everyone together as crazy instead of letting you know exactly what kind of crazy each person is. You're unfairly taking away their argument logic (no matter how stupid).

I'd say watch this while you're doing something that doesn't require your deep focus. You only need that focus when watching The Shinning for government conspiracies.

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