Personal Lists featuring...

A Wonderful Love 1999


The work of art, by definition, is a stuffed crocodile. Alfred Jarry

When a person is aroused, he loves his own excitement, gets excited with it, and everything else is no longer life for him. Witold Gombrowicz, pornography


Art is the principal way in which the human mind has tried to remake the world in a way that makes sense. The carefully edited, slow-motion, action replay of a rugby tackle, a car crash or a sex act has more significance than the original event. Thanks to virtual reality, we will soon be moving into a world where a heightened super-reality will consist entirely of action replays, and reality will therefore be all the more rich and meaningful.

JG Ballard: Theatre of Cruelty

I might be a nihilist except that I don’t believe in anything.
― Mitchell Heisman
