Personal Lists featuring...

Animation Runner Kuromi 2001


List created and maintained by

Only Japanese Anime Movies from 19xx to 20xx (Non Japanese Anime Movies is not included JUST Japanese Anime Movies)


List created and maintained by

Only Japanese Anime Movies from 19xx to 20xx (Non Japanese Anime Movies is not included JUST Japanese Anime Movies)


Japanese Anime I have watched that I think are above average.


Shows and movies on my radar where fantastic elements are not at the core of the show


Shows I watched that ended their run or dropped for some reason. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Might go back to some of them.


Well, here it comes. The year when the most popular and highest grossing anime movie was relased. How would our world look without Spirited Away? And more, how would our world look without Shrek franchise or Monsters Inc.?
Luckily, thanks to 2001 we don't have to find out.

Highest-grossing animated films of the year:
1) Monsters, Inc.
2) Shrek

3) Spirited Away
4) Atlantis: The Lost Empire
5) Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius

This list also contains some shorts. Movies are in no specific order. Some movies may be missing.


List of an anime and anime movies I watched and want to watch.
