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Beach Rats 2017

Toda la historia se pierde cuando no hay un final de absolutamente nada de lo que nos mostraron.

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A familiar though still involving drama. No real resolution by the film's end, but then there are no easy answers when you're gay and living within a macho culture.

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With little dialogue involved, you’d imagine this kind of indie film to be tame and lacking a good scriptwriter. But that’s verbal reality of these Brooklyn Boys. And the busy camerawork makes up for this. Like the ‘Beach Rats’ the camera shifts and bounces uneasily...The opening shot of the mirror selfie could be any male adolescent in the world right now.
It’s a visual film, and it captures very well in modern day storytelling, the struggles of a closeted gay man.

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It has to be hard to do something unique in this genre and I think this film hit the mark. There isn't a ton of dialog and there aren't any make-or-break moments. The viewer gets an interesting glimpse into the struggles of someone who is trying to find himself and (probably) wishing he was something other than what he was. I can't imagine having to go through that kind of struggle. The last scene is perfect.

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