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Billy Madison 1995

Born right in the heart of the golden era of SNL goofball idiot comedy, this lands somewhere near the middle of the pack in terms of overall watchability. It's a completely moronic premise that serves as nothing more than a thin vehicle to move from one throwaway sight gag to the next, but never has any illusions about evolving into something bigger.

The film sticks with its bread and butter, a series of skits that would've been right at home on a particularly brainless episode of SNL, while dedicating as little time as possible to furthering the plot. Fortunately, many of the jokes and puns are still genuinely funny, although the ratio between those that kill and those that go down in flames is pretty weak when compared to some of its contemporaries. A few great one-liners from this one still pop up in my vocabulary today, but not with anywhere near the frequency of the best moments from Wayne's World or Tommy Boy. Like the original Ace Ventura, it hasn't aged spectacularly but there are worse ways to kill ninety minutes.

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Back to school Back to school to prove to dad I'm not a fool... Awesome movie

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I really enjoyed this Adam Sandler's comedy, it was so funny, it's a brilliant film to watch

10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:rage:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: - Bull Shit

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Alright premise, but the film itself is mostly annoying. It's one of those movies that people sometimes cite as a "good" Adam Sandler comedy, along with Happy Gilmore and The Waterboy, but I don't see it. Sandler is a superb dramatic actor, but he doesn't have the chops for comedy.

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Shout by FilmHorde
BlockedParent2023-03-21T04:18:20Z— updated 2023-03-27T01:45:23Z

Billy Madison is a hilarious 90's comedy that delivers on laughs and absurdity. The film showcases Adam Sandler's comedic talents and features a memorable supporting cast. While the humor may not be for everyone, it's a great comedy for those who enjoy Happy Madison productions. The film has a timeless quality to it and remains a classic of 90's comedy. Overall, Billy Madison is a must watch for fans of the genre and will have you laughing from start to finish.

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Adam Sandler was funny in this movie. Lol.

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Shout by Deleted

how can you not like this movie?

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I thought it was a okay, overall really silly movie. There were a lot of leaps the plot took and some of the writing was half-baked, but comedy isn't really a genre that focuses on that kind of stuff anyways. It left me wanting more it terms of character development or an overall bigger message at the end. If crude humor offends you, probably shouldn't watch this movie. But if you have some time to spare and you want to watch something fairly mindlessly, this could do the trick.

If you're a fan of Adam Sandler, this where his career really started taking off. It has enough endearing moments to pull at your heartstrings. But you're definitely either going to be cringing at or laughing at Adam Sandler's gags in this movie.

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