Shouts about...

Blindspotting 2018

I'm not going to analyze. Plenty of other high scoring reviews did it.

So I'm just going to say, perfect cast, perfect acting and directing, and the cinematography was on point (although the only place I saw room for improvement).

THIS IS A MUST WATCH if you want to understand a pinch of what it is like to live as a poor black person in this country. It's spot on in so many ways, but as I said, not going to analyze. Watch and discuss. It feels like that kind of truly thoughtful and thought provoking movie. Pretty sure that was the goal and target met.


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Good movie. throughout the movie i was thinking: don't do that, u'r going to be shot. why did he do that, now he's going to get shot. why didn't he do that, so now they're going to shoot him. The fact he didn't get shoot is irrelevant because the constant fear of it happening is always there, and that is the point . Shonda Rhimes should watch this movie and learn how to successfully pass a point without forcefully shoving her woke agenda down your throat

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Saw on 11/17/18. Going through some old noted decimal scores before having an app like this to add them to.
This movie was very well done and while definitely not perfect was very entertaining despite the serious nature overall. Good balance of authenticity and realism outside the artistic choice of adding rap to serious situations. Memorable one. 8.2 for me

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This is pretty much perfectly made: the directing, editing and music are all exceptional.
Daveed Diggs is great (though every time he starts speaking I’m expecting hear a Clipping song), but it’s really Rafael Casal who steals the show.
While I’d day that the overall story is good, thematically it’s a bit uneven and unfocussed. Not all the themes connect, so it feels like a bunch of different movies smashed together. It’s never not interesting, but also not the most cohesive thing I’ve seen. There’s also some tonal clashing going on at points.


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Absolutely phenomenal. The tension in so many scenes is just so palpable and it just rises and rises. The script is so fully realized and it’s writers nail every line in the lead roles. And it’s funny too! The rapping in the climax only serves the tension, gives it a hyper reality while the beeping drones on and on until everything feels like it’s about to explode. There’s just so much to talk about from gentrification to police brutality to Miles’ wanting the black ‘identity’ and all he perceives it as having while Collin suffers the consequences just for existing. An incredibly powerful film that will stick with me for a long time.

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Scorpion Bowl story made watching this movie 100% worth it. The movie has a Swingers vibe to it.

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I went into this expecting things to lean more on the comedic end of the spectrum, but even though there were some quite cleverly hilarious moments, this was much more of a lyrical drama than I assumed it would be. I was thoroughly impressed by some of the monologue moments that Daveed Diggs had (especially the amazingly powerful climactic scene). There were so many thoughtfully (and tragically) presented ideas on race, gentrification, the permanent stains of crime, regret, emotional growth, and more. I didn't think I'd walk away with so many thoughts swirling about. This is definitely a must watch.

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Gets its points across without a sledgehammer approach. This is an involving and emotional movie, and an accomplished piece of filmmaking.

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Daveed Diggs really impressed me this is a really great movie with a lot to say and that Rap scene is incredible really recommend this movie.

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This movie got me emotional , this is Oscar material right here .

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This film was excellent. The chemistry between Daveed Diggs and Rafael Casal is what immediately stands out here. It's crazy how natural it feels. Although the film aims to show problems involving race, as well as issues such as gentrification, the film also has a lot of humor, without trying too hard. I thoroughly enjoyed this one.

Side note: Being from the Bay Area, Oakland does have a unique feel to it, and it's a city that isn't always portrayed in the best of ways in media, but the film does the city justice. It shows that the city has beauty to it, as well as the people who live there.

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Shout by Deleted

Y'all you might wanna see this.

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Daveed Diggs and Rafael Casal both give great performances. Their script shows problems with today's society. At the same time, while focusing on serious issues, it can also be really funny and heartfelt. The cinematography is fantastic. There are a lot of cool shots in here and it really portrays Oakland as a city full of people and not just some place. The ending is a little heavy handed but nothing that ruins the movie. Go see this, it's one of the best movies of the year.

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