Shouts about...

City Hunter 2024

Another japanese John Wick/ Gun-Fu attempt, and actually, pretty good! For a revival of an iconic 90s comic, which was once fittingly played by Jackie Chan, City Hunter 2024 brings all the elements to make the series something to look forward to again. Unlike John Wick, Ryo in City Hunter is a total show off which puts him in a perfect spot for lots and lots of flashy Gun-Fu mixed with, you guessed it- Jackie Chan-esque action humor, which is still the No.1 popular kind of action movie in Japan even now. This IP has the potential to be big and I look forward to a bigger budget sequel soon.

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It's ok. Good action scenes, although the humor that would work in an anime/manga here sometimes is a little cringey.

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The random humor was helped this along, if they leaned more into the comedy I would've pushed my rating up. Decent soundtrack and action, but lots of cheesiness. It's reasonably entertaining for a one time watch imo.

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all i gotta say that was kino

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Nice fast paced action and a little bit anime style.

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Modernized City Hunter. For those who think this copied John Wick, City Hunter originally created in 80s. Predated John Wick, Matrix and John Woo's choreographed actions. The original was a lot more efficient in movement. That's why it stays good 4 decades later.

Based on Angel Dust film, the film failed to capture some dramas, but certainly updated the actions and humors.

Overall, it's a very enjoyable action flick among the poor performing action films nowadays.

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Hear me out: "Shame" but a comedy and the sex addict is a quirky Japanese detective.

Cute enough but the constant 'pitching a tent' jokes and objectification of women turned me off. I thought we outgrew these kind of movies in the 60s?

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Sit back, relax, brain in neutral and enjoy the ride.
Some good action, a bit of comedy and some fun. :thumbsup_tone1:

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City Hunter - :heart:x5

This was a fun romp. The hero is kind of a pervy Batman without the costume. Lots of fun fights and silliness.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Ryo is Pervert!:joy: and laughter!:joy:

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