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Cyrus 2010

I enjoyed this film, It made me giggle, quiet at times, not a lot of energy, but it didn't need it, and It came off very 'Cyrus' Super cast. It's one of them that makes you think something is going to happen or go the way that you think, but it doesn't, It's never straight forward, and It comes off creepy at times.

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I thought it was a great flic. John C. Reilly is always believable and Marisa Tomei forever hot.

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i loved the movie , great cast

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I've only recently discovered the magic that is the Duplass brother creations but I think this is the best one and it isn't close.  While this film seemed to tread on so many different common themes it managed to avoid going down well-traveled roads.  The main characters (especially Tomei) were fantastic and well-cast.  I can imagine how this movie would have been absolutely butchered if it were a Hollywood production (it would have gone down the familiar roads).

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its about time to do away with 'totally ninja & Weak Sauce' and have an 'out of 5 or 10
' rating system

This film wasnt great or terrible, it was ok - 2/5 stars

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