Daybreak 2003

  • 2003-11-14
  • 1h 50m
  • Björn Runge
  • Björn Runge
  • Sweden
  • Swedish
  • Film i Väst
  • Drama
Same day, different lives...
Sweden, shortly before Christmas. Surgeon Rickard is told the job he expected goes to a Dane, because of his substance abuse. It's too late to cancel dinner with his in-laws. The guest couple announces their in-vitro is a success. Then Richard's wife learns he cheated her with Sofie. Meanwhile ugly hag Anita trades drugs to afford a taser to use on her ex Olof and his former physiotherapist. Workaholic builder Anders is disgusted by his grieve-deranged client Knut's plan and decides to spend time on his family, not just money.

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