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Fahrenhype 9/11 2004

An incredibly revealing documentary, FahrenHYPE 9/11 exposes the lies and deceptions of Michael Moore’s anti-Bush propaganda film Fahrenheit 9/11. The filmmakers interview a number of political analysts who discuss the misleading statements and factual inaccuracies presented by Moore about the War on Terror and President George W. Bush. Additionally, several people that appeared in Fahrenheit 9/11 talk about how their interviews were manipulated and taken out of context. The narrative kind jumps around a bit, seemly going from topic to topic at random, and the interviews lack a consistent visual style; with some being in-studio while others are more man-on-the-street. Yet it’s quite fascinating, and disturbing, to see how slick editing tricks were used to completely distort the truth and how many blatant lies were presented in the supposed “documentary” Fahrenheit 9/11. FahrenHYPE 9/11 has some weaknesses, but on the whole it makes a pretty convincing case against Moore and his unethical filmmaking practices.

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