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Happiest Season 2020

This was such a thrill to watch!

It didn't feel like your average Christmas movie. I genuinely enjoyed every minute of it, the plot and pacing was well done.
Kristen's charmingly awkward role played very nicely into it. Her and Mackenzie made an adorable couple - I didn't expect their chemistry to be this good throughout the movie. The rest of the cast was great too; many familiar faces, everyone really nailed their role.

Recommended! It's definitely going down as a holiday classic in my book.

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Combine my favorite things and you get this movie. Christmas, a love story, Aubrey Plaza; recipe for succes. Make it gay? Yes!
That being said there is one thing I would've done differently. We meet Abby and Harper as this fun loving couple and the casting here is great because there is the right chemistry, Kristen and Mackenzie are just great! However... Harper - as we learn - in her fear of coming out did her ex-girlfriend really dirty way back when plus during their trip to the family is just awful to Abby. It makes the character very unlikable, I feel like if they had taken out the bit where she outed Riley in high school it would've been enough.
I am watching this movie in October and now am fully in the Christmas spirit! Oh and Jane is just too precious, I would honestly watch a spin-off movie with just her.

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Shout by Céline
BlockedParent2020-11-30T00:16:23Z— updated 2020-12-02T20:28:42Z

I can't believe we finally get to have a lesbian Christmas rom-com with all the fucking tropes with hate to love.
And it's actually so good and fun? Is this like cosmic balance for how fucked up 2020 has been?
Also, don't hate on me but Aubrey Plaza as the stunning lesbian doctor kinda stole the show for me!

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Lovely holiday kind of entertainer with a strong story.Even if there's nothing unpredictable or extraordinary,still something feels new and different from the other typical christmas movies.

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I loved this movie! It's wonderful to see a Christmas movie told from a perspective you really don't see much of for the genre, if any. It's not often that a movie will get me teary eyed, but this one did it, especially towards the end. Kristen Stewart especially was brilliant in this. I can see myself watching this again in the future.

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Shout by Nikkie

Aubrey Plaza, Dan Levy and Mary Holland's characters were definitely my faves.

If I were Abby I'm not sure if I would have stayed with Harper, I honestly think she got away with way too much shit. I felt really sad for the sister when she smashed her painting, omygod... She deserved better for sure haha. At some point I honestly started rooting for Riley and Abby to get together haha.

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Shout by Reiko LJ

Solid Christmas rom com. Lots of love, bit of drama, lots of emotion and a wonderful happy ending.
Had some great funny moments and an interesting cast of characters. What more could you ask for.

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Good movie.

Understated movie without being too preachy.

I was expecting a Hallmark movie. Thank heavens it turned out better.

Good one to watch during the holidays.

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All those horrible Christmas tropes but with lesbians... I love it!

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If it wasn't for the final act leaving so much unsaid and implying so many other apologies that should have been said out loud and worked through on the screen, it could have been a great movie. I guess that the allure of going the easiest way and turning it into a full feel good story at the end was too much to resist.

It's still a good start over any bullshit Hallmark puts out there, so it's a win nonetheless.

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It’s cute, it’s funny, it’s festive and it’s full of drama!
Jane completes this movie - she’s so adorable and hilarious.

Kristen Stewart is still Bella from Twilight but at least she smiles now.
Dan Levy is still David from Schitt’s Creek but at least wore normal clothes.
Connor would’ve worked out she was gay if he just took some NZT.
Ted was always gonna be ok with his daughter being gay after his extensive relationship with the CW.

I don’t think Abby should’ve stuck around personally, Harper treated her like shit that weekend and she definitely would’ve been way better hitching up with Riley.
And Sloane is hot.

All in all, this is a great movie that’s definitely worth a watch.

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With an amazing cast and a funny and sharp script, this is something of a treat. It does get a little predictable, however, so it does fall down a little. Other than that minor quibble, this is still worth a watch, and it should put a smile on your face numerous times throughout,

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had a really good time watching it

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The ending lets the Harper character totally off the hook for her shitty behaviour.

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The ending kinda ruined it, as nothing is actually resolved and no one ever gets called out for their terrible behavior. Justice for Abby and Riley, and all the awards to Daniel Levy.

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This has some great moments but they made a hash of the most pivotal scene (it just descended into silly mayhem). Some really good casting choices (although I thought Mackenzie Davis was a weak link). The story had a solid path it could have followed to tell a story that is rarely told adequately. It just needed to decide what kind of movie it wanted to be - a realistic Romantic Drama or hyperbolic RomCom. I think it ended up being neither. I give this film a 6 (disappointing with some great moments) out of 10. [Romance]

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Crazy ass cast omg. Movie itself mid

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Started out poor with expository dialogue "I understand how you feel about Christmas because you lost your parents."

Got strong through the middle. Daniel Levy pretending to be straight was amazing, which made me think I need to try Schitt's creek.

Ended too conveniently with everything resolving on a dime.

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Great cast, reductive and unimaginative script

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When you look best with your family? On picture. ;> Not so holiday movie, it's more socially engaged.

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"Thank you for trying to get me to like Christmas."

I am going to be honest: I only watched this because it has Dan Levy in it, and it is December. That being said, this was a cute movie. If you like movies similar to Meet the Parents, then you will like this. I had a few moments that cracked me up, and a few frustrating moments, which is what I think they were going for.

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Got bored after 20 minutes.
Poor jokes, predictable.

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Shout by mirrorskin
BlockedParent2020-12-05T08:20:29Z— updated 2020-12-06T13:05:07Z

I was looking forward to watching a nice romantic Christmas movie, and the prospect of being LGBTQ inclusive seemed even more appealing. I saw a few promo shots of Kirsten Stewart and Mackenzie Davis before and they seemed to have a good chemistry, so I was really looking forward to this movie.

But after they get in the car to visit Harper's parents for Christmas, this became the most toxic shit show I've ever seen and stays this way almost entirely throughout the movie, while trying to pack each and every worn out cliché into the story. Of course in the end, all personal issues are miraculously resolved within a blink of an eye and we get our sweet "Merry Christmas" ending.

Still, some pros:

  • John is so sweet and really amazing.
  • The bonding scene between Riley and Abby
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hey kristen stewart, GET OUT!

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This film was recommended to me & I can't even express how far off base that recommendation was. I could easily watch an entire film of the relationship between Abby & John because even though John is unreliable in certain ways, he is regularly the voice of reason when it comes to relationship advice. . Besides the scenes with Dan Levy, the scenes with Abby & Riley interacting are some of the best of the film. The ending is utterly disappointing as all of the AWFUL characters are given a pass for their shitty behavior. No one is held accountable for being terrible for each other - the movie is simply wrapped in a sweet little bow of acceptance. Representation in film is not enough if the stories you are telling are disingenuous.

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horrible movie. save yourself some valuable time and don't watch.

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girl i guess. glad you guys got your hashtag representation. it’s not bad tho. aubrey plaza is very hot.

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Shout by anzo

I don't ship the main couple AT ALL. I hate Harper and how she acted. Kinda wish Abby would have ended with Audrey Plaza's character

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Kristen Stewart had way more chemistry with Aubrey Plaza than she did her fiancée but whatever.

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Loved this movie! Dan Levy was so awesome, i think I'm gonna have to start Schitt's Creek finally. I could'nt believe that was the girl from Terminator, wow! Kristen Bell was awe.... good. Overall, nice Christmas movie.

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