Personal Lists featuring...

Jack & Diane 2012


Movies and Shows watched and to watch.


Standalone movies I want to watch...


a selection of movies and television shows with lgbtq+ themes, ranked alphabetically.
for christmas-themed queer movies see my other list:,asc


Scary movies in alphabetical order


Queer films, shorts & series. Themed or open, by release date.


Movies that caught my attention


Stuff they've been in over their careers old or new, whether great or not so great films/series, & large or small roles.
Sorted by release date.


Auto download everything in this list


List of movies with lesbians in it that I want to watch (or already watched). I decided to let all movies inside if someone needs inspiration for their own list.

The representation is not always well done so be careful if it is what you wanted. But for a good watching challenge, it works.


Romantic Drama, Comedy, Love Films


The Werewolf Sub-Genre has always been a rather bland one for us. Aside from a few standout titles being stellar, we've found that most Werewolf flicks tend to underwhelm us. A lot of them just aren't that good. Growing up in a time when An American Werewolf in London and The Howling set the bar on Werewolf movies at a crazy high level probably has a lot to do with it though. They spoiled us.

When done right though, Werewolf movies have an unbridled ferocity about them, and they make us identify with the plight of those doomed to change into bloodthirsty monsters by the light of the moon... or fear the ones who do so simply because they can.

For the first 6 movies in the list:

If you're in the mood for a truly quality Werewolf flick, any of the movies in our Top Six will do you right. For our money, An American Werewolf in London and The Howling are probably the best of them, but then again they all bring their own unique and terrifying vision to the Werewolf Sub-Genre, so just enjoy them all!

For the remaining:

Below are the rest of our 30 Best Werewolf flicks, and of course, a few Honorable Mentions thrown in for good measure. Keep in mind that no "Best of" list is ever perfect, but merely a solid starting point for anyone looking to watch some great flicks.

The last 6 being "Honorable Mentions".

