Personal Lists featuring...

Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius 2001


IMDb's Top Movies from 2001.

Minimum of 25,000 votes, minimum rating of 6.0, maximum of 100 movies.

Last Updated: April 25, 2024


My inexhaustive list of childhood classics. Not all great, not even necessarily good, but most definitely, absolutely nostalgic.


tudo que assisto com ELE


Mostly on release, but also rereleases.
Includes Gold Class, and Drive-ins.


This is a loosely ranked list of all the films I've seen that are tagged with the "Action" genre. I'm a huge fan of the genre, enjoying it more than any other, and I wanted a way to document what I like and don't in the genre. Hence this list.

When I rate films, I rate based on my overall enjoyment of them, and not as examples of any particular genre. So the top portion of my list is a ranking of every film I've rated at least 8/10, but ranked specifically as Action movies. So a film like Harakiri (1962), which I find to be a flawless film, doesn't rise to the top, as it's not a great "Action Film" so it gets ranked lower.

After the ranked portion, I've grouped all subsequent ratings alphabetically. So all the films I rated 7/10 are grouped alphabetically, followed by the 6/10 rated films, and so on.


My list of completed movies and shows.


List of movies & series to easy access from addon


Family & Kids Film Collection


Incredible stories, brought to life by amazing animations. Not just for kids


TV shows I have watched over the years.


This is a list of all movies and series discussed by the YouTube format Channel Awesome's Nostalgia Critic.


Every Movie I've seen rated and ranked in order. (for the most part)
