why just 71%??? I think this movie is one of the best sequel movies ever made! At lease 8,5/10 great cinematography and brilliant scenes!

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More than two hours of continuous shootings, pursuits and body to body, at the expense of a slender storyline practically non-existent. Too little to make an interesting movie, albeit at original traits. Much better the first!

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2 / 2 directing & technical aspect
0 / 1 story
0 / 1 act I
1 / 1 act II
1 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
0 / 1 dialogue
0 / 1 originality
0 / 1 lasting ability to make you think

1.......misc enjoyment point ("Enter the Dragon" ending homage)

6 out of 10

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Like watching a 2 hour movie trailer for John Wick 3...shoulda took the blue pill...mister Anderson

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"John Wick. You're not very good at retiring."

I'm glad that John Wick is not very good at retiring. After the sucess of "John Wick", they needed to do this one.

The scenarios of this movie were outstanding. So beautiful to watch. The action sequences were terrific and the stunt work was incredible. I had a blast watching this movie.

Keanu Reeves was born for this role. I also liked the way this movie explored the vulnerable side of John Wick, even if he is very hard to beat.

Oh... and the pencil scene... Holy shit.

I couldn't stop smiling throughout the all movie, thinking about what this franchise succeed since 2014.

Already waiting for the third movie.

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More blood must be shed in order to get out of the assassin world in John Wick: Chapter 2. After settling up with the Tarasov family retired assassin John Wick is ready to return to a peaceful, quiet life, until an old friend shows up with a marker demanding that he honor it by killing one of the members of the High Table. Once again Keanu Reeves gives an excellent performance, making Wick an incredibly compelling character who’s a tortured soul that adheres to a strict code of honor. And the fight choreography and gun-fu are extraordinarily well-done and remarkably intense. However, the worldbuilding is a little convoluted, with nearly everyone being some type of assassin (or part of the supporting infrastructure). But despite having a few small problems, John Wick: Chapter 2 is a thrilling, non-stop action film.

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A solid continuation of the story, with a tad more plot than the first one, but still not much. It does a good job of entertaining the viewer, but leaves something to be desired in the realism departement. John Wick might be the most OP character ever. Doubt that will change in the following movies.

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The strongest point of this movie, as in the previous one, is the character himself, who has an absurd charisma, and the universe that is built around him is very interesting, with captivating and striking situations and characters. The story, although good, has many elements of repetition from the first movie, some scenes are even very similar, despite this, the development is very well constructed until the end.

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Not nearly as good as the first one, but it's still watchable.

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Less sophisticated in terms of plot, but Wick's "body count" does not disappoint. ;)

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I liked that it was basically just a continuation of the first movie. It also really helped that I watched both movies in the same day. Another good action flick.

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[FR] Dans ce deuxième volet de la saga, John Wick accomplit tambour battant sa mission dans les rues de Rome échappant aux intrigues de la Camorra : l’action est toujours au cœur de l’intrigue même si les scènes de combat semblent parfois irréalistes avec une foule complètement aveugle à ce qu’il se passe…
[EN] In this second part of the saga, John Wick accomplishes his mission in the streets of Rome, escaping the intrigues of the Camorra: the action is always at the heart of the plot even if the fight scenes sometimes seem unrealistic with a crowd completely blind to what is happening...

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Did they get Spinal Tap to edit the sound? The speech is barely audible and aal the music, gunfire and explosions are turned up to 11.

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Not as good as the first in my opinion, but the world building is pretty good. You learn a lot more about how John Wick fits into his world. However, the actions did get a little repetitive.

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If you love action this is your kind of film. No one can do the role of John Wick better than Keane Reeves.

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Good movie, but I personally feel it's not as great as the first one. The action scenes are exciting, and Keanu Reeves does a fantastic job. However, it lacks the same impact and freshness.

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Yes, I've watched this 4 times, and EVERY TIME I'm like, "Ugghh, how you expect me to believe that Ruby Rose is the final boss?!?!?" And then she gets tossed around like a rag doll, shortest fight in the whole movie HAHAHA!!!!

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Great action scenes

Characters 8
Story 7
Pacing 9
Visuals 9
Rewatchability Factor 9
Enjoyment or Emotional Value 9
Average Score 8.50

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John Wick 2 is a stylish, impactful, and, dare I say, hilarious sequel that redeems itself in the second half after subjecting you to an excruciatingly boring set-up for the first sixty minutes. The plot is downright ridiculous, and you can't help but wish the movie didn't keep pestering you with it. While undeniably more entertaining (and ludicrous) than its predecessor, I can't help but feel that the real gems lie in the action scenes, which I highly recommend watching online rather than committing to the entire package.

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In every series, there has to be a :asterisk_symbol:worst:asterisk_symbol: entry. For John Wick, this is it (SPOILER: It’s still pretty great). It serves as a perfect bridge between what was a standalone original action film, and the series it would become. The villain isn’t anything remarkable, but the action is as good as any. Worth watching, and I will certainly watch this many, many more times.

Rating: 4/5 - 8.5/10 - Would Recommend

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I don't know what the hype of Part 1&2 are about. The ending was the strongest thing about Part 2, setting up Part 3.

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Still love this one too! The museum setpiece is so good, and the widening of the world and action is like them realizing what this series can be

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In every way, the first "John Wick" sequel raises the bar. The action sequences are more elaborate, there are more villains, and the plot is more complicated. In terms of action, the series is still going strong. The fights are even more impressive than in the first film, even if they are not as groundbreaking as before. Keanu Reeves continues to be a strong lead actor, and some of the supporting actors are also convincing. Only with the villains do I have some problems, particularly with Riccardo Scamarcio as Santino D'Antonio and Ruby Rose as his henchwoman. Also, the story became too silly for my taste here. And the catalyst for the plot seems altogether a bit too much like a repetition of the first part. Overall, however, I see "Chapter 2" roughly on the same level as the first movie.

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"John Wick is a man of focus... commitment... and sheer fuckin' will."

A very respectable sequel. More kills, more thrills and more gun action. What I like the most about it is all the different assassins we get to see fighting Wick, especially Common's character he's the first we see actually challenging John Wick and that creates a certain respect between the two. Him getting a new suit and weapons at the beginning was my favorite part. Excellent world building, the fight scenes look better and i'm in love with the whole Continental stuff definitely excited for the upcoming series. It's technically better than it's predecessor but what held it back for me is it's a little bit more mindless and the story isn't as good as the first. While it's an excellent continuation to the first's story it doesn't add much to it, it's missing that X factor (ex: him getting revenge for his dog in the first) that was something compelling.

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'John Wick: Chapter 2' felt a tad different to me, even if I still had exactly the same reaction to it - enjoyment!

Keanu Reeves fits the lead role extremely well, he certainly elevates the films with his performances. I'd say the supporting cast are an improvement from the original, Riccardo Scamarcio alongside the likes of Laurence Fishburne, Ruby Rose and Common are good to watch. More of Ian McShane is welcomed, too.

The difference that I felt was that there seemed to be many more talky moments, the preceding film felt like it had more wall-to-wall action than this. I could be wrong, but I'm not complaining either way - just an observation. I'm interested to see how the third film panned out.

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This was pretty good! The premise feels a bit contrived considering that the first film was pretty self contained and had a good ending, but this movie still works, and does a great job of leaving us with an ending that easily lenda itself to a sequel.

There is some side acting that isn't great, but thankfully the characters with the poorest acting also have the least screen time. The music also wasn't my favorite, and felt at times like it was attempting to hearken to a now almost-bhgone era that isn't old enough to warrant nostalgia, but it certainly isn't objectively bad. I just didn't like it.

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I stop being entertained by these whenever people stop shooting each other, which is about 75% of the movie. The acting, dialogue, worldbuilding and plotting are so horrendously bad, which could still make for a nice guilty pleasure if it at the very least has fun with itself, but it wants to be serious and cool so bad. It’s like one of those direct to dvd/streaming action films that isn’t aware of the fact that it’s schlock, just with ridiculous good action scenes (I still want Keanu to feel less invincible, but that’s a minor thing) and more of a budget. Whenever I watch these I just wish that Stahelski would abandon this franchise and direct second unit for Bond or Mission Impossible, way more suited to his talents.

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Good action, even though some of the fights dragged on a bit. But the story overall was just dull. I lost interest around the half-point.

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Shout by Ahmed Hamdy

You don't want me owing you

The legend said...

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Incredible action thriller from the first time round and then this perfect sequel comes along that continues the same quality of stunts and fight scenes seamlessly. Once you light up this wick the flame never goes out.

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Overall, one of the best sequels I have seen. This definitely ranks along with T2 and Aliens.

My biggest gripes are early on. Very out of character for "The Boogeyman", Wick makes poor decisions retrieving his car. Why didn't he retain the upper hand and kill more guys before taking his car? Then, he knows the rules, why didn't he just accept the mark. He knew his life was forfeit if he didn't accept, so just accept the mark and do the job. Instead, both these poor decisions lean to the loss of all that he had left of his wife. Both his car and his home are destroyed.

However, I guess the writers needed some stupidity to kick start the next chapter. No one is without faults, I guess...

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Shout by טאשי

4 star,boring and old

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Over the top ridiculous violence without a storyline. A very sad attempt of copying James Bond. Give this a miss and stick with 007.

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Shout by Josh

Story: 6/10...some more expansion of the assassin's underworld, which was cool. But a super thin plot stretched out by long action sequences.
Dialogue: 8/10...much improved over original. Giving Ian McShane as much screentime as possible definitely helps, not to mention introducing Fish.
Performances: 8/10...a couple missed beats with some of the villains (who isn't a villain?) but for the most part everyone sucks you deeper and deeper into the assassin's world. Again, keeping things focused on Reeves, McShane and Fish makes it great.
Misc.: 9/10...just so, so good with the new and improved locations/sets and the outstanding camerawork, editing and sound effects with the fight scenes. No real wasted time either.
Overall: 8/10...weak plot almost dragged it down to a 7 but gets a bonus point for a very clear and exciting set up for JW3.

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Meh - wasn't involved as much as I was in the first one... found it kind of boring at times.

Action is still top-notch, but something about the story didn't captivate me this time.

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The cinematography of part two does not disappoint. I find it worth watching for that alone – it is a work of art.
Other than that, it's fast-paced, brutal, wicked and sassy, and it has a puppy.
What could one possibly hate about this? It delivers exactly what it promises, and more: an action film with assassins. Really, people who rate this low, were you expecting a romcom? You seem confused.

Starts off a bit crude, but soon develops into a thing of beauty. All the scenes at the Continentals, wonderful. And I mean, Ruby Rose, HELLLOOOO. A juicy set of actors in this one.
And they're actually having a fucking party inside of ancient ruins, how wicked is that. Loving it.
The pencil scene was the on eI actually had to look away from :joy:

The number of assassins living in one little big city is kind of overwhelming. If I were paranoid I'd start looking around for people getting messages at the same time.

"I lived my life my way... I will die my way." Powerful, and beautiful.

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Rating this one point above Tokyo Gore Police because it has a tiny bit of more substance.

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Gangster shit just like the first one, the third one is fire too, ya boy keanu is a shooter for real on the range....

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Campy much? Still a solid sequel. Just, damn, ease it up will you? Can't have so much cheese on a sandwich such as this.

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HongKong shooting action on speed.
We really enjoy watching John Wick over and over.
The Jonh Wick Hot toy have even a pencil just epic.

Growing up with the HK action flicks in the 80's and 90's we really loving this.
Can`t wait for 4.

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Shout by Deleted

Its very good, the action was amazing, but is changed a loot, in the first movie John Wick is fighting with mafia but in this movie he signed with Santino a thing and John Wick he want to retire but he need to do a favor for Santino and he dont, yeah is more complicate the what i say here, but is very good

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John Wick is the man, the legend, the myth. On the other hand, the world of hitmen is really overloaded with people.

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Still as enjoyable as when I saw it 3 years ago. Action packed, brutal, great world and Keanu Reeves as awesome as ever.

Ps. The pencil scene is still epic.

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A non-stop, thrillingly choreographed action.

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Shout by surleyone

great action a bit overdone

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a pleasant action movie. Still giving it a 7, since storyline is a bit weak. UPDATE: OK, givin' it an 8 since the visuals are astonishing

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In my opinion, not as good as the first one, but still great! The ending made me feel for him, I won't lie. I liked that music and cinematography. Can't wait to see how the 3rd movie plays out...

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Shout by Adriano Amra

Where should i press to watch it?

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Shout by Adriano Amra

How do i watch the movie??

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Shout by Jesse Brouse

While Chapter 1 gives us a bigger insight on what happened and why Wick does what he does, Chapter 2 really doesn't have a strong storyline. A storyline that would divide itself from the first.. it's own storyline that is. Granted it's still a great film just believe that there could've been more to the story.

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Shout by Diego

There are a ton of "positive" reviews about this movie I thought I'd share with you some of the things about this movie that I feel could have been done better. Don't get me wrong here for I ABSOLUTELY loved the movie. It was awesome. 1. Ruby Rose character was dry and boring. She was apparently deaf or at least a mute in this movie for she never spoke a word. I felt her character failed at trying to be "badass", if you will. 2. For the most part, all of the hand-to-hand combat fight scenes were well executed. However, I felt there was a lack of realism in them. There was a definitely a feel of choreographed fight moves in many of the scenes. That choreographed look really left out a sense of realism to the fighting. 3. Keanu Reeves John Wick character is played well. However, to me he just seems a little to dry and unreal. Hard to explain, I guess. Like I wish he just acted more human and spoke more.

Aside from those mentioned above the movie was totally awesome. I'm ready to go see it again!

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Better than the first one, solid 7.5 stars , which the rating system had half stars.

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Made me think about the previous movie

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Better than the first in every which way.

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This one is slightly better because the dog didn't die :)

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Shout by Sören Riedel

So boring...fell asleep several times

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Shout by Nhabd

good movie highly recommend to watch

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Shout by Deleted

I glanced at the clock at 40 minutes in and wondered when this movie would pick up. I admit the fight scenes were cool up to this point but I couldn't stick with this flick.

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Shout by Ahmed Walaa-Eldeen
BlockedParent2019-07-14T12:11:53Z— updated 2019-07-15T20:22:41Z

This chapter was much more intense than the first one, it's really entertaining. The ending though, that was silly.
That re-line from The Matrix with Laurence was really cool:D

And a big applause for the music, it was amazing in this one, loved it!

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Sooooo Goooood !
At least 11/10

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Shout by Khawlah

I desperately needed it to have better acting and dialogue. Because while the action is equally brilliant to the first one, I found myself zoning out in most scenes. Cassian's dynamic with John was the hgihlight for me.

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While I am generally not a fan of the genre nor Reeves I do find this series to be enjoyable. The secondary characters (especially Ian McShane) are used in such a way as to give the series more sophistication than it probably deserves.

follow me at https://IHATEBadMovies.com or facebook IHateBadMovies

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Another great installment! Keanu Reeves is fabulous in the John Wickfilms. Fight scenes are so well choreographed. Great movie!

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"Perpetum mobile" - the words that can be said about John Wick. He's an important participator of Avengers, as you can know. This introduction describes the whole film - killing of everything, shady world, gangsters and,of course, the dog.
if you can make a lot of assumptions and write off many events on cinema conventions, then this movie is obligatory for viewing. Spinal action will take your 2 hours of time, 2 hours of fun.
Wonderful refreshment after working day. Have fun)

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"How to destroy the world with a low caliber weapon" a story by John Wick

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More of the amazing action scenes and Keanu going all out. There are some very colorful set pieces that look awesome. Digging deeper into this world is interesting. The first half is a little slower. The main villain was lame but Common and Ruby Rose were pretty good. This has me super excited for the third and I hope we get a lot more.

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Shout by Scharlyn

Very Action Packed, give it a try

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I liked the first part in this series (apart from the beginning) and most of the same points go for this one. Highly choreographed and intense action scenes that never let up. The mood, cinematography, and music is excellent and gives Chapter 2 its whole own "feel".

Keanu Reeves is quite good yet again. No one can play a stone-faced assassin better. That may be because that's one of the few expressions Reeves has, but who cares. It works quite well when playing John Wick. The rests of the cast range from superb to not all that good, but certainly more of the former.

I actually enjoyed this one more than the first one, and if this keeps up John Wick: Chapter 3 should be a masterpiece...

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If you're looking for butt loads of well lit aesthetic shooting scenes - you are in for a ride.
If, however, you're looking for a good story, look elsewhere.

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This movie was a lot more intense than the first one. And the ending will make the third one even more intense than this one. I can't wait to watch it.

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Shout by likhon012

this is more like it...... this movie is awesome from the start...
the introduction to baba yaga is always thrilling...
to me... it is more action packed than the 1st chapter ..and Keanu have
done a great job with it ... the ending of this film was a masterpiece
the fear... the haunt.. the challenge.. the anger.. all is there
can't wait for chapter 3

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Shout by Deleted

Never stab the devil in the back

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Well I feel they're going with just action on this franchise because the story was cheesy, It was all over the place, didn't really make any sense and this film didn't top the first for me so I doubt the 3rd will doing any better the way It's going and don't get me wrong, i did love the action and keanu still got it and i've got to say that the action was the main reason for me to get to the end.

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A sequel to a film that didn’t really need one, the first half suggests a repeat of the formula that worked in the original. That said, whilst the action sequences are variations on the first film, they continue to be entertaining with enough invention and complexity to make them work. Here the filmmakers also choose to expand the world they created in the first and this becomes the focus of the film rather than the central character. It’s still a lot of fun, but they are going to have to bring something new to the table to the inevitable third entry if they want to ensure the next chapter doesn’t feel stale.

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can never get enough. best movie ever. Chapter 3 is going to be AMAZING

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Normally I would say just more of the same doesn´t make the cut. But, hey, it´s John Wick.

The whole depiction of the underworld is something that makes this franchise stand out. I missed a bit of the pureness of the first movie but it has something a lot of other action movies are missing: atmosphere.

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If they would make a movie about world war one and two combined in just one movie, John Wick 2 still has more confirmed kills.... Hardly ever a minute with one dude not getting shot or stabbed. Loved it though. Brilliant acting and interesting story (not the best but still good).

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Shout by Renan Welton
BlockedParent2017-08-11T11:04:09Z— updated 2018-10-18T01:21:38Z

In the movie, John Wick's greatest achievement is showing to the audience that it's just fine to have a lot of cool action scenes. A great, solid and stunning sequence.

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A sequel to the 2014 revenge thriller. This time John Wick repays a debt he owes to a gangster only to have the villain turn on him right after the task is complete.

YES YES YES. It’s so rare that a sequel gives you exactly what you want but John Wick 2 delivers the goods and then some. This is another stylish, inventive, beautiful masterpiece of wall-to-wall action. John takes a few more breathers this time but nowhere ever feels truly safe.

I’ll keep this one short. If you didn’t like the first film then this one won’t be to your liking either. If you have a soul then grab a coke, cook up some popcorn and let this work of art soak into your brain.

How they made this for $40m beats me.


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Shout by Deleted

very very very good movie

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easy storyline, great action sequences. High hopes for the 3rd installment.

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El guión es increíble y no se sostiene. Acción de principio a fin. Más conseguida que la primera parte.

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Plays out like a video game - I mean, does nobody think about the families of all the dead henchmen - but on it's own cartoonish level, this has some good action scenes, despite a thin story.

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Not even close to the first. Excellent action scenes but story is really poor and Scamarcio is totally unwatchable, an overrated actor.

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Shout by Deleted

Good film cracking action, however not as good as the first John Wick. 7/10

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film ini bercerita tentang seorangpun

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Good but not anywhere near as good as the fiirst

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Shout by Nancy L Draper
BlockedParent2017-06-25T20:20:00Z— updated 2017-07-01T14:41:33Z

The John Wick franchise has the feel of a 50s graphic novel - it is gritty and dark, and set in the midst of all nature of underground vices, and it is intensely violent. Once you've seen Keanu Reeves character you can't imagine anyone else playing this character, he fully embodies the anti-hero. Glimpses of Bridget Moynahan are convincing of a great love, tragically lost. The puppy, as the last remnant of hope of love remembered, given and received, is a brilliant plot device. I give this a 7 (good) out of 10. Cudos to the directorial and production team for making something new feel like a legend and creating a world with its own rules and ethos. Special mention is also appropriate for a great supporting cast. Spectacular fight choreography! This latest instalment puts John Wick at odds with everyone, and the code becomes his arch-villain. I expect the third instalment (2018) will take use even further into the struggle for survival in a system he can't escape, and a world he no longer believes in or belongs in.

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Shout by Russell Lewis

action action action loved it

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Shout by Edem Koku Dzameshie

This movie is not bad. However, it is not as nice as the first one.

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Ridiculous amount of shootings and body counts. He must been shot more than 20 times and magically he keeps running. This was lost in me and didn't like the fakeness of all this. There are not many fights but only a hell number of shootings.. Will return for the next one though :)

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Somebody, get this man a gun

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Shout by Blake

Plot isn't as strong or emotive as the first movie but it's a great "Keanu Reeves kills everyone" film. Also the dog is okay in the end, which was a relief.

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More of Keanu being an unstoppable badass. There are some ridiculous plot elements and conveniences, but if you can turn your brain off, it's one hell of a fun, well choreographed action film. Gives new meaning to gun-fu.

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Shout by Deleted

John Wick Chapter 2 shows that this property has an endless amount of potential. The mythology behind this underground organization of hit men is built even further with more room for exploration. Keanu Reeves continues to display his peak level of badass completely devoting himself to the stunts and action sequences. The film is low on story but makes up for it with all the style and flash. I can't wait to see more.

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I liked the 2nd part even better. Some may say it lacks substance but it's a no bullshit serious action flick. It doesn't try to be anything more. I love it. The story gives a one man vs the world kinda feel and it's captivating that way.

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An Action packed movie with brilliant cinematography. Not the greatest story but the movie keeps you engaged at the right time and bullets flying everywhere. A great sequel to the original and I really enjoyed it, let's hope for a John Wick 3 with more assassins and more bullets!

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Shout by Deleted

I really need to put this movie on my watch list because it seems to have a great cast. Lawrence Fishburne, Common and especially Keanu Reeves I know it will have a lot of action scenes.I will make it my business to watch it before the weekend.

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Absolute total rubbish. Keanu must have been really desperate. The only good things in both Chapters 1 and 2 were the dogs.

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Everybody tries to kill John Wick.
John Wick kills (almost) everybody.
End of movie.

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