As enjoyable and humorous as the show. Can guarantee you will have a good laugh with the movie.

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Watched the Japanese dub w/ English subtitles

(takes a sip of wine) Why yes, I am a degenerate. How did you know?

I didn't know what to expect from a movie based on the (mostly) disconnected wacky adventures of a dysfunctional adventuring party, but what I got was to be expected: Konosuba: Legend of Crimson is basically a 90 minute-long episode of Konosuba.

Like most movies based on an anime, you'd need to watch the show beforehand (the first two seasons, in this instance), but I definitely wouldn't recommend anyone who's never seen an anime to watch the show first. The ability to not only stomach the degenerate scenarios and delinquent behaviour of the characters, but to laugh at it comes from letting yourself become slowly desensitized to it over a long period of time watching various anime series, to the point where you stop caring about the indecency of it all and start accepting it.

So yeah, it's just more of a funny show I like, and I like it.

And Kazuma and Megumin are lowkey adorable in this.

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it's fucking sailed bro

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I saw this in the cinema twice and I regret nothing.

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It was a great movie. Both story and comedy were amazing.
Definitely gonna recommend it to everyone.

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If you enjoyed the show, there is no doubt in my mind that you will enjoy this movie too. Super light-hearted and fun as per usual with Konosuba.

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The movie itself is very good, it has very good moments such as: the final battle, the animation, the character development that is given to us through Megumin, Yunyun and the charismatic group that we have become accustomed to throughout the series. which are laughs and at some moments seriousness to touch on certain themes, although not so much, although as I said I liked the film, there are things that did not convince me, such as: the climax is very fast, the villain appears and within an hour it is already It's dead because they don't give us that much introduction and with respect to the village I would have liked it to be developed a little more, although the movie does, but a little more about the culture and the crimson demons but the movie is fine if you watched the series You are going to enjoy it a lot, there are laughs and very enjoyable moments that make the film really very good. I will always say that konosuba is a series to enjoy to laugh and not so much to analyze.

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What a fantastic film! It's impossible not to laugh at Kazuma's hilarious scenes and all the crazy situations that happen. The animation and story are excellent, and time flew by while I was watching this film.

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If you need something to watch when nothings on this is the perfect thing to watch. The perfect movie full with a mix of comedy and action. Can’t wait to see the 2nd of the anime series.

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