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Last Night 2010

This is not a story of a married couple heading out to find extra marital affairs, but it questions the very essence of how they handle a delicate situation. In the first six minutes, you get a sense of the film's direction, but it is still portrayed in an un-rushed manner, to suit its genre. There is no doubt, when you put together a great set of casts, you get excellent acting, and this is exactly that. You start your journey by following these characters, and you suddenly become one with them. You also may start questioning the integrity of marriage, and what does it actually mean for them. Finally, when it is just about to end, you realise that every relationship is unique, and it's how we manage them. A perfect 9/10.

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It's such an amazing movie. I watched it just because of Keira, but it turned out to be so damn great that now it's one of my favorites.

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In Jo's words, "there's so much going on right now, isn't there?" Honestly didn't expect it to be so deep. And that ending? Wow, perfection! Things we usually judge as black and white are way too complicated here. Even though it did take its time and drag a bit, I thoroughly enjoyed watching it.

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The bad: the movie isn't very entertaining. Sure, there are questions that it asked that I am still contemplating, but it was quite the slog to get to the point where the questions are asked.

The good: Behind every major decision there smaller decisions that need to be made. I thought that this movie did an excellent job of showing how the married couple kicked their major decisions down the road by making smaller decisions along the way. e.g. They weren't sure if they were going to sleep with x, but they thought that having drinks together was a good idea. Neither one of them had made the major decision, but they each were very open to it happening.

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Last Night is yet another trite drama about a married couple confronting extramarital temptations. Keira Knightley and Sam Worthington both give fine performances, but the script is too bland and stale for them to overcome. There’s nothing here to give the audience a vested interest in either the story or the characters. Despite its formidable cast, Last Night is a shallow, insipid film with nothing to offer.

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