Shouts about...

Lightyear 2022

To infinity and beyond..! I love it.

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hey guys, it's a great and fun movie. plot is ok. very entertaining, what do you expect it to be?

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Beautiful animation and great story! So much attention to detail on the tech and the gadgets it really fells like sci-fi. Loved the time jumps and everything they did with that making it multi-generational made it compelling and emotional. It has some Star Wars vibes at times. SOX the cat steals the show he was so funny. I would be open to a sequel or a Woody movie.

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What is people’s problem? This was a great funny movie

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Lightyear is a lighthearted and fun sci-fi adventure. Let me get this out of the way first and foremost, the visuals in this film are spectacular. The artists who did this deserve a raise because this might be the best looking animated film I have ever scene. I really enjoyed the touch of changing the resolution at a certain point. With that out of the way, I really enjoyed this film, the exploration of a new world was really well done. I liked the time traveling elements that were presented, borrowing some from Interstellar, and it brought some really sad moments that nearly drew a tear from me. The cast of characters were funny and their evolution throughout the story was a joy to watch. I was not super impressed with this movies interpretation of Zurg. I just felt like there was more that could have been done with that.

Score: 82%
Verdict: Great

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Can't Believe It's Been 27 Years Since Toy Story Came Out, And I Really Wanted To Watch This Movie Even When It Had The More Serious Tone With Chris Evans Instead Of The Light Hearted Tim Allen. This Is A Pixar Movie After All And They Set A Certain Level Of Expectation And I Genuinely Loved The Animation Even If It Didn't Have The Depth I Was Expecting From It's Tone It Was Still A Great Movie To Enjoy With A Great Cast

You Dont Have To Watch The Toy Story Movies To Get This Movie, But They Are Totally Worth Watching,

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I mean its alright like

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This movie was awesome. I was engaged throughout the story and don't think it deserves the extremely negative overreaction received. The movie had a diverse set of characters, but it never pushed any obvious "Woke" agenda. At least in my opinion it didn't.

Just to be clear, when I say "Woke", I mean the far-left nonsense like identity politics, critical race theory, open borders, hating on white people etc, etc. Having a diverse cast and a same-sex couple doesn't mean the movie is pushing that far-left agenda. This movie can be enjoyed by anyone regardless of their political alignment. However, this is a good movie to test whether you are an extremist or not.

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As a big fan of toy story this is indeed totally ninja. Everything hit off perfectly. And people giving lower credit to the movie because they picked chris instead of allen? They are crazy because i actually think chris is a better suit for this version of the movie. The lgbtqia+ think people complained about as well is not even noticeable. I support and I can say they put it in the plot the right way, they did not make it like the usually “who is him” they went straight to “who is she” because buzz knows her since they were cadets and that is the future. Kudos to disney on that. Then, the art and plot are beautiful. I might be a bit biased by the toy story fanship but to me this movie was remarkable, a piece of heart that in the first minutes made me almost cried for a character that died in that duration. Just disney being disney. I loved it, bring me more!

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Way more fun than I thought I would have with this film. Cleverly dropped in some classic lines of Buzz dialog from Toy Story (and beyond) and it was fun to see them playing with time.

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Shout by Stephan Otter
BlockedParent2022-07-24T19:42:16Z— updated 2022-10-31T13:51:11Z

Not as bad as everyone says it is. People who are saying that this is an unnecessary movie are dumb. Every movie ever made is basically unnecessary. This movie isn’t a 10/10. But i actually enjoyed. And to all you people review bombing this for the LGBTQ+ representation.. screw you, really, go screw yourself in the asshole.

MODERATION EDIT: I've changed a few words because of bad language. Don't use such words here.

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The movie was good, I don't understand Disney/Pixlar have to put in a lesbian couple in a movie for kids. I hope they can stop being so PC I don't like that.

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If you're a sci-fi or Toy Story nerd, this movie will probably prompt more questions than it answers. The world-building is shallow, the sci-fi concepts are under-baked, and the way this movie fits into the Toy Story universe is vague at best.

If you're not worried about that kind of stuff and/or you are a child, then you'll probably enjoy this as a space-y action movie that expands on a character you know, and adds a new bunch that you don't.

Overall, Lightyear is a fine movie, but it definitely feels more like a (2010s) Disney movie, than a Pixar movie of any sort. It's missing a lot of that heart and charm Pixar is so well-known for, and that's probably the most disappointing part of all.

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First 10-20 minutes are a bit slow, but then it gets better. And Sox is just adorable.

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Fun fact: Chris Evans, this movie's voice actor of Buzz Lightyear, and Tim Allen who voiced Buzz Lightyear in the Toy Story series, were born on the same day with a 28-year age gap.

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Movie was okay, Sox was by far the best part that kept me watching until the end.

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Possibly the most visually impressive of Pixars productions, Lightyear will assault your eyes with the most gorgeous visuals in an animated movie yet. The plot and cadence of the movie however is a little scatterbrained and unfocused, without the usual Pixar core to tie everything together that has always been a hallmark for the studio. Certainly not bad but definitely not there best, Lightyear is just a good, fun, modern animation with all the nostalgia-baiting and audience-winking that's expected by these throwback sequel/reimaginings.

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Sox stole the show. Never thought I could be so scared for the 'life' of a robot cat! I didn't love the beginning because it felt so disconnected for a while. But as the story went on it grew on me. I'd watch it again.... In a few years

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When I first saw this trailer, I saw a more adult focused Pixar movie and couldn’t help but be excited (especially since it was with a Toy Story character)! While the excitement isn’t unwarranted, I think it is safe to say this is one of the weaker outings in the rather strong Pixar catalog. It’s good. It’s worth watching. I surely think it won’t be a “kid” favorite. But furthermore, I don’t think it really hit the full mark as an adult movie either. Personally, I would rather have more home run family films with humor and heart. I do appreciate them trying new things, and I am sure they will again. Maybe next time they will go with a full new IP and make a bigger stamp on the target audience!

Rating: 2.5/5 - 7/10 - Worth Watching

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It doesn’t meet all your expectations but it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I actually quite enjoyed it. But it does leave you wishing there was more. Nonetheless, worth a watch.

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I was totally prepared to not like this movie. Glad I was wrong. It was pretty good. Sox could have been a little more on the cute and adorable side tho. Also, there's absolutely no good/valid reason for them to NOT have used Tim Allen for the voice for Buzz Lightyear. That change alone would have easily made them more money.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Shout by Afaiz646

Not the best but also not that bad.
The storyline is kinda simple and some of that is not make sense??? Maybe??? But anyways i love sox a lotttttt :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

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An enjoyable movie. Not Pixar's best or worst film. Chris Evans did a great job, I did not notice the difference.

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I never had a problem with Chris Evans replacing Tim Allen. Though if they did it because they felt would help at the Box Office, it didn’t. To me it really doesn’t matter since it’s a movie that Tim Allen’s Buzz Lightyear toy is supposed to be based off.
Though after this, they can’t expect a Woody movie to sell without Tom Hanks either. This movie is at least much better than the Buzz spin-off series in the 90’s.
Which was also about the character the toy is based of. It might just be as unnecessary as that though. I heard a Tim Allen Santa Clause show is planned so it be that Tim Allen isn’t back because he is on bad terms with Disney.

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This was not the best movie that I would expect out of Disney and Pixar. Yes it was a fine movie, the action and jokes were decent. Although a good bit of it was poorly or overly done, the pen for example, that was possibly one of the dumbest running jokes I’ve seen in a movie. Not clever in the slightest, just simple and dumb humor.

I personally am happy about Disney’s representation of a same sex couple in the film. It didn’t really impact the story at all, in fact, it made the relationship between Buzz and her seem stronger since there was no physical attraction at all. It’s not often you get a movie that doesn’t force some kind of relationship among the main characters.

It was simply an alright movie, not groundbreaking and just a formulaic entertaining movie.

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I had low expectations about this movie, I didn’t even want to watch it. So, because it did better than I expected, I liked it.

Oh! And I’m a lesbian now :rainbow:

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Getting a little tired of the underdog rookie trope in Disney films. Izzy was such an unimaginative character that felt over dramatic to add depth which didn’t work.

Also the massive plot hole of old buzz finding a giant ship that was just waiting to be controlled?

I wish they made more use of the political/military corrupting over time as a new colony becomes established. It honestly would have been a better statement on our current system and would be less cheesy.

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It’s not at the same level as other Pixar movies, but it’s okay. The animation is amazing (as always), but the story is mediocre. Not bad per se, but just… meh. Buzz Lightyear deserved a bit more than this imho.

I don’t mind that Chris Evans voiced Buzz, but I’m getting kind of sick of Taika Waititi at this point.

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First 30 minutes of the movie are quite enjoyable, but then the plot starts to thickens while still trying to appeal to a younger audience, and therefore a couple plot-holes get created in the meantime.
It's still an adventurous movie, just a bit already-seen in the sci-fi department. Overall not a favorite.
The Zurg thing could have been better, honestly.

PS: Sox was the best part of it all.

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I expected more about this movie.. The story is extremely shallow, without development, Not that the movie is bad, far from it, it just didn't match the story well.

the animation is impeccable as disney knows how to do it, the characters are cool, the robot kitten is just perfect.

well I have nothing more to say. it just could be better.

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So, the animation was great. That was to be expected. I can live with Chris Evans as Buzz. He was OK but not outstanding just like everyone else.
But I doubt that was the movie Andy saw in 1995. They should've really not put that in at the beginning. It puts too much pressure on the movie to live up to that sentence. And it doesn't. It was OK, I really can't find anything better to say about it. But while I watched the Toy Story movies multiple times and really like them even being well in my 50s, this one just breezed by. And, yes, Sox was the best.

I hope they stay away from a sequel like it's hinted after the end credits.

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I reviewed this film for the Hugo-winning blog Nerds of a Feather:

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6.5/10 - It's not bad but also not really good - for a Pixar movie it's unfortunately a bit of a letdown...

"This is that [Andy's favorite] movie." :D

Physically it was super questionable - e.g. that ejection scene. I didn't expect it to be physically accurate at all but sometimes it was simply too stupid.

Ivan (internal voice activated navigator) is kinda funny (e.g., the confetti) :)
The plants on the other hand became a bit too silly :o

I'm confused how they didn't consider/expect time dilation for the first test flight?!? They already have the technology to travel at light speed so they must not only know about it but also already experienced it.

The robots / Zurg are pretty weird but fine. I didn't really like the twist with the other Buzz though...

Sox was great! :) I also love how he solved the formula/problem. He really deserves a medal.

PS: It was ironic how they constantly tried to fly to that ship while they could've simply teleported there all along.

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I really enjoyed what they did with his Zurg, the planets interesting, I wouldn't mind seeing the video game of the movie but I love the cat Sox and he made it a re-watchable for me. I want to see that cat in toys and voiceover all over the place! Stuff like Siri, Alexa, and give me directions. I love the personality of that cat. Unfortunately, Disney is having this habit of having these awesome characters that are cute, kick ass, or just more interesting then the main character, and they're dropping the ball and not giving them more of the limelight, advertising them, or give them merchandise.

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You are a sad, strange little movie. And you have my pity.

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Very predictable.
The story is good, but the execution is lacking.
Somehow there has to be time travel, which is fine, but it creates a plot hole in the story.

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We surely didn't need it but I'm still happy to have it.
Nothing big but still a nice watch.

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The film is fine...but it is rather pointless. Good animation and some decent voice acting but the story is bland and uninteresting.

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Visually appealing. Cat was by far the best part of the whole film. Most of the other comedy fell flat. It's not as bad as the 5.2 aggregate on IMDb as that's mostly hate for not having Tim Allen back. I graded this just on what it was forgetting that anyone else played the role as that's not fair to those that worked on this film aside from the politics and cancel culture world we reside in. 6.4 for me. Solid, if not great entry. A rare 80% tomatoes for both critics and audience w such a low IMDb score. Enjoy it for what it is.

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Despite having all the ingredients of Pixar stories, it seems that this time the cohesion and fluidity necessary for a remarkable film have not been achieved. And it has the advantage of starting an independent story, which doesn't need to refer to the other parts of the series. But it is as correct as it is inconsequential, so unbalanced for the two types of audience that Pixar has almost always managed to seduce.

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It's a movie, it's not a good movie, it's not a bad movie, I wouldn't suggest it.

I imagine in a few years nobody will even remember this.

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Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2022-06-21T21:48:38Z— updated 2023-09-17T12:45:37Z

Is it just me or is there some circlejerk going on at Disney where they keep using the same group of actors over and over again for their different brands? Just stop using Taika Waititi already.

The movie itself is pretty whatever.
It reminded me a lot of Onward; you could do a lot worse, but it probably won’t be remembered within the broader Pixar catalogue.
Not a lot of depth or subtext with this one, it’s a pretty straight forward adventure (which is also fine of course).
Some good animation (lots of visual ideas are being pulled from Star Wars), decent voice acting, fine characters, story’s alright.
It’s kinda inoffensive and doesn’t really warrant some of the extreme reactions it’s gotten.
The whole ‘woke’ label is baffling to me, it just seems like a smokescreen certain people use to cover up for their own homophobia, which only emphasizes how the word ‘woke’ carries little to no meaning nowadays.
Any regular person will be fine watching this, regardless of their political leaning.
Ffs, it’s mass entertainment after all.


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No way Andy saw this movie and was like “I want a buzz light year action figure”. I think that is where the writers got lost. They needed to remember that this is a kids movie. The story is way too complicated and boring

They completely ruined the zurg character as well in the process

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Like an NFT, this looked good but I wasn't invested in it.

Let's face it, if this was Andy's favorite movie, has questionable taste in movies.

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Shout by Keldian
BlockedParent2022-07-18T01:23:59Z— updated 2022-07-20T12:16:01Z

Certainly Pixar's worst feature film to date, well deserving of its box-office slump. Hopefully Disney get the message and stop using light fiction as a medium for lecturing their audience.

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It was ok. Not as bad as what I’ve read online. Just didn’t like the 3 junior crew members at all. Chris Evans was fine as buzz, but Tim Allen is a better buzz lightyear.

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I love Sox
I trust Sox
I will do anything for Sox

I liked Sox more than the movie itself.

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This movie would be nothing without the cat. I could see how the cat could be someone's favorite toy. Nothing else in this movie is worth mentioning.

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The magic of the Pixar movies has always been starting with an incredible story. Sure, there were advances in technology when they first started but that isn't what drew us in. The problem with this movie is that I couldn't have cared less about the story. It very much feels like a paint-by-numbers animated action movie and I found myself looking at my watch ten minutes in.

follow me at or facebook IHATEBadMovies

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Totally unnecessary, barely saved by the cat.

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It really depends on your expectations. If you were looking for something even remotely comparable to the Toy Story movies, disappointment is waiting for you behind the corner. Otherwise, it’s going to be a pleasant movie to spend a couple of hours with, especially if you are taking the kids with you. As the Pixar tradition requires, it reaches out to older audiences on a few occasions, but unfortunately, most of the time it just felt too childish for grownups, and at the same time potentially too dull for children. It looks like they had a lot of ideas for the premise, but didn’t know what to do from the middle onward.

Visually it's as good as you would expect from Pixar. The space scenes in particular are astonishing in IMAX.

The humor also felt a little off, but it might be due to the Japanese dub.

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Wasn’t horrible but wasn’t great either. A little boring and goofy humor that didn’t seem to land. My kids seemed to enjoy and and wife said she thought it was cute. Theater was about empty for the opening showing, maybe 8-10 people in the whole theater

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Those 5 points go for the fantastic, top-notch animation team. Even so, that a movie doesn’t save… the story is unbearably boring. Gracious me! I couldn’t see the end of it.

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They could done so much more with this movie and the potential for a series of films was squandered on such a lame storyline. Overall I’m rather disappointed with the film

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kinda boring but I love Sox

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They need to stop milking this franchise, felt like I was watching a boring disney plus show.

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Pretty boring. No Tim Allen.

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The plot is quite trivial, it does not make any sense and is not built on solid foundations. Many of the unlucky episodes happening seem forced just to lengthen the screening. True that Sonic 2, likely the most direct competitor, was more childish and irritating than this, which overall did not insist excessively on the usual American cliches. However the Sega film had a more engaging plot, this did not leave anything, no engagement and no emotions. The animation style is likely the best part.

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Bruh Pixar is going downhill.

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Put simply, it's offensively bland.

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I enjoy the vast majority of Pixar movies, but this was... yikes.

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Shout by Pro Evo
BlockedParent2022-06-16T19:16:12Z— updated 2022-06-19T09:09:56Z

No Tim Allen? Yes Problems!

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To be honest this movie is not worth 1 star or throwing in trash.
It deserve 0 star and be burned forever
Dump story and stupid plot.
Not worth anyone time from age 0 to 1000

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To Irritation and Boredom!
Andy saw this and wanted a Buzz? he's either a complete moron with major mental issues, or he fell asleep during the trailers, and woke up to catch the last 15 minutes.

Zurg isn't his dad, its old him - FU Toy Story 2 then

My kids Thoughts;
'it's crap but i liked that cat' - 8yr old ( after 20 minutes took a tour of the cinema for most of the running time)
*bored face, Thumb down - 7yr old (somehow sat through the whole thing, but talked about any and everything else)

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Get woke go broke

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I hate it when the plot progresses purely because the characters are plain stupid.

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Wait... Chris Evans is Buzz instead of Tim Allen??!!!

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So, where do I get a Sox?

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I'm confused by the story, so now they're just lost in space and they're not doing anything about it. How will they continue to be Space Rangers... like just for themselves then? Cut off from the rest of humanity ?

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So desapointed with the movie and its messages

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I swear, right wing Christians are the whiniest manbabies... Now that I've finally seen what they threw a tantrum about, my reaction was "that's it?!".
Harmless movie that's not worth revisiting.

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At first I thought this would be a bad idea.
Then I saw the trailer.

Hell yeah I'm in!

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Sox was the best character in the entire movie and the only reason I watched it.

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There is nothing really bad about this movie, it’s just kind of there, doesn’t really have the heart or thoughtfulness you’d expect from a Pixar film. I don’t know who this movie is for based on the story. It’s baffling why they didn’t just have Tim Allen voice this role.

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This movie is beautiful and it has the "funny" Disney touch (that one you know from Disney movies, they're not incredibly funny, but it entertains you). I probably liked it more by watching on the movies than I'd be by watching it at home. The plot isn't that deep, but it does teach you a good lesson. It's a good movie overall.

And yes, Sox is adorable. It's the movie biggest star by far.

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started pretty boring then some action started and it got decent.

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Better attempt at being the next Space Odyssey than Interstellar! With way more depth in characters arcs... jfc come to think of it, it's probably true. Wow.

I almost wanna see more serious version of this. Pretty much everything was good or even great, but it lacks certain powerful moments to make it more impactful. Like let's say Soul. Which had plenty of childish moments in overall "grown up theme" heavy film.

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Shout by TheThomas0642

so I went into this movie expecting a new version of an old classic character in some ways that's what I got but the other ways I think they updated it for more modern times if you've never seen the classic version of this character no probably have a good time with it but if you have seeing a classic version of this character you'll probably find yourself constantly comparing the two so my advice is go into it with a fresh mind do that and you'll probably have a good time with this movie but if you don't you probably won't

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loved it it was so good :type_1_2:

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no way! im here for this

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