Personal Lists featuring...

Lupin the Third: Jigen's Gravestone 2014


All episodes, OVAs, movies, etc. ordered by release date


List created and maintained by

Only Japanese Anime Movies from 19xx to 20xx (Non Japanese Anime Movies is not included JUST Japanese Anime Movies)


List created and maintained by

Only Japanese Anime Movies from 19xx to 20xx (Non Japanese Anime Movies is not included JUST Japanese Anime Movies)


From Japan + anime studios

From STUDIOs like -
Studio Ghibli + Sunrise +
Toei Animation + OLM, Inc +
Nippon Animation + Studio Pierrot +
Production I.G + Studio 4°C + Madhouse


Complete list of every animated Lupin III episode, movie and special, in chronological order.
Partially based on this reddit comment:


List of Movies I need to watch


Shows and movies on my radar where fantastic elements are not at the core of the show


Anime and other stuff watched by Goonami


Aggregate list of all films, watched & unwatched. Begins with highest rated films.
Rating System:
10: I loved it and 100% will watch it multiple times.
6-9: I enjoyed the film despite some minor or major issues. Closer it is to 10, the more likely I will watch the movie again willingly.
5: Movie is straight up meh. Does not mean the movie is bad/unwatchable. Most likely will not watch these again unless convinced otherwise.
1-4: These are all just 1's. I just think they suck and I didn't enjoy them at all. Will probably never watch again unless convinced otherwise.


Lupin the Third or Lupin the 3rd, follows the escapades of master thief Arsène Lupin III, the grandson of Arsène Lupin, the gentleman thief and he's living up to his grandfather's memory as a high-profile thief himself.

Due to his infamy, Lupin III attracts the attention of the persistent Inspector Zenigata of the ICPO, as well as rival criminals. Lupin III's criminal lifestyle even seeps into his love life. The main woman in Lupin III's world is femme fatale Fujiko Mine, who Lupin III can never tell is working with or against him.

Follow Lupin and his gunman partner Daisuke Jigen on their quest to own the world-or at least the valuable bits!

Nearly fifty years after its creation, Lupin III remains popular, with the fifth anime series airing in 2015. Follow through the on screen history of Lupin with this list.
