HollyWood Movies based on Popularity


New movies mixed in with random movies


Movies that I already have


The most popular 720p and 1080p movies that are available at the moment. Usually updates within 1-2 hours when a new release is available. NEWEST IS LAST IN THE LIST!


All of
the WW1, WW2, Afghanistan & Iraq wars movies ok this list, from being on the frontline of battle to being in war against the Taliban & Al-Qaida prior to the 9/11 attack on 9/11/01. These are the Films that about the Wars that shows you all the fights & battle the solders have to go to in all the Wars. All legendary War movies ok this list :woman:‍:factory::us::muscle_tone2::bomb::gun:⚔:boom::boom:☄☄


This is a loosely ranked list of all the films I've seen that are tagged with the "Action" genre. I'm a huge fan of the genre, enjoying it more than any other, and I wanted a way to document what I like and don't in the genre. Hence this list.

When I rate films, I rate based on my overall enjoyment of them, and not as examples of any particular genre. So the top portion of my list is a ranking of every film I've rated at least 8/10, but ranked specifically as Action movies. So a film like Harakiri (1962), which I find to be a flawless film, doesn't rise to the top, as it's not a great "Action Film" so it gets ranked lower.

After the ranked portion, I've grouped all subsequent ratings alphabetically. So all the films I rated 7/10 are grouped alphabetically, followed by the 6/10 rated films, and so on.


Peliculas que encuentras en Prime Video


A list that contains all the movies I have watched.

The movies in the list are ranked based on my ratings.
