Personal Lists featuring...

Sometimes They Come Back 1991


Pretty complete list with over 2,000 entries. All are in alphabetical order, order of release or to be watch in a sequence as part of the so called "universe", like for instance the Conjuring-universe, or part of an anthology or serie. Anything missing or to add, please let me know.
*Last update 06/03/2024


A list of Stephen King adaptations, derivative works, and original screenplays.

Missing: Woh (1998)

Updated: Feb 1 2022


Movies, TV shows and episode written by Steven King or adapted from his work.

Short films and derivative works based only on characters or locations created by King are not part of this list.

Excluded, because too loosly based on the source material:
- The Lawnmower Man (1992)
- Woh (1998)
- Haven (2010-2015)

Furthermore the following are exluced as well:
- The Devil's Gift (1985) - not an adaptation but plagiarism.

Last Update: 23/08/29


This is a tough list, its meant to be Halloween and Halloween-related movies, movies are good to watch at Halloween but that doesn't mean all horror movies. I edit it a lot, I add movies and take them away, I have yet to find the right system to decide what qualifies. If you want a horror movie list, search for one, this is not that. Some of the characteristics I think make a Halloween movie are monsters and ghosts.


Slow burn horror. Updated weekly.


Contemporary fears, remakes and some might even say, a reinterpretation of the genre in the later half of the decade.


Includes every film and television adaptation (not including derivative works) listed on

Also includes all original film and television works written by King, listed under Screenplays on


All the Found Footage, American, Anthologies, J-Horror,Killers

Creatures,Zombies and the awful bad ones.


Chosen by Sean Fennessey


Contemporary Stage/Novel-to-Film


Suspense, Thriller, Horror Films
